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Time Series Database:Calculate percentage in queries

Last Updated:Apr 25, 2023

InfluxQL allows you to solve simple math equations. This simplifies the calculation of percentages based on two fields in a measurement. Read the following notes before you calculate percentages.

Basic calculations in a query

SELECT statements support the use of basic math operators, such as +, -, /, *, and ().

-- Add two field keys
SELECT field_key1 + field_key2 AS "field_key_sum" FROM "measurement_name" WHERE time < now() - 15m

-- Subtract one field key from another
SELECT field_key1 - field_key2 AS "field_key_difference" FROM "measurement_name" WHERE time < now() - 15m

-- Group field keys for calculation and chain the calculation results
SELECT (field_key1 + field_key2) - (field_key3 + field_key4) AS "some_calculation" FROM "measurement_name" WHERE time < now() - 15m

Calculate percentages in a query

You can calculate a percentage by dividing one field value by another and multiplying the result by 100.

SELECT (field_key1 / field_key2) * 100 AS "calculated_percentage" FROM "measurement_name" WHERE time < now() - 15m

Calculate a percentage by using aggregate functions

If you use aggregate functions to calculate a percentage, all data in the query must be referenced by using aggregate functions. You cannot mix aggregated data and non-aggregated data.

All aggregate functions must include a GROUP BY time() clause to define the time interval at which points are grouped and aggregated.

SELECT (sum(field_key1) / sum(field_key2)) * 100 AS "calculated_percentage" FROM "measurement_name" WHERE time < now() - 15m GROUP BY time(1m)


Sample data

The following example uses simulated Apple Stand data that tracks the weight of baskets that contain different varieties of apples throughout the day.

1. Download the sample data.

2. Import the sample data.

influx -ssl -username <Username> -password <Password> -host <Domain name> -port 3242 -import -path=path/to/apple_stand.txt -database=apple_stand

Calculate the percentage of total weight per apple variety

The following query calculates the percentage of the total weight each apple variety accounts for at each specified time point.

FROM "apple_stand"."autogen"."variety"

Calculate the aggregate percentage per apple variety

The following query calculates the percentage of the average weight of each apple variety in the average weight of all apples in each hour.

FROM "apple_stand"."autogen"."variety"
WHERE time >= '2018-06-18T12:00:00Z' AND time <= '2018-06-19T04:35:00Z'
GROUP BY time(1h)

Note the following items about the query:

  • This query uses aggregate functions (mean()) to extract all data.

  • This query includes a GROUP BY time() clause that aggregates data into 1 hour blocks.

  • This query is performed based on a specified time window. If this time window is not specified, the aggregate functions may consume a large number of compute resources.