This topic describes how to create a MySQL schema in Data Lake Analytics (DLA).

  1. Log on to the DLA console.
  2. In the left-side navigation pane, click SQL access endpoint. On the page that appears, find your VPC and click Log on in DMS in the Actions column. The following example shows the syntax to create a MySQL schema in DLA:

     CREATE SCHEMA hello_mysql_vpc_rds WITH DBPROPERTIES ( 
         CATALOG = 'mysql', 
         LOCATION = 'jdbc:mysql://', 
         USER = 'dla_user', 
         PASSWORD = 'dla_userpasswd', 
         INSTANCE_ID = 'ecs_instance_id', 
         VPC_ID = 'vpc_id' 
    Parameter Description
    CATALOG The MySQL schema that you want to create.
    LOCATION The endpoint of the ECS instance. is the private IP address of the ECS instance.
    USER The username that is used to log on to the MySQL database.
    PASSWORD The password that is used to log on to the MySQL database.
    INSTANCE_ID The ID of the ECS instance.
    VPC_ID The ID of the VPC in which the ECS instance and DLA reside.