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:Create an SQL Server table

Last Updated:Apr 23, 2019

Unlike creating MySQL tables, to create SQL Server or PostgreSQL tables, you need to specify the schema name and table name in table_mapping of the SQL Server or PostgreSQL database.

  1. create external table person (
  2. id int,
  3. name varchar(1023),
  4. age int
  5. ) tblproperties(
  6. table_mapping = 'public.person'
  7. );

Next, you can connect to DLA through an SQL Server client, read data from your SQL Server database, or cleanse data from your OSS or Table Store instance and then write the data to your SQL Server database. For more information about the operation, see Cleanse data in OSS and write data to ApsaraDB for RDS in Create a MySQL table and read and write data from and to the table.