"Luckily we met Alibaba Cloud, which has a data center in Indonesia. Connectivity to customers is faster and more reliable."

Featured Products

Elastic Compute Service - ECSApsaraDB RDS for MySQLServer Load Balancer - SLBObject Storage Service - OSS

About Passpod

Passpod is a Digital Tourist Pass that provides seamless connectivity and offers on local attractions anywhere in the world. Established in 2017 as a Mifi rental company, Passpod has evolved into a one-stop solution for tourists during their trip. Passpod provides seamless connectivity and offers from local attractions and activities around the globe. Passpod is a technology company with a commitment to deliver the best experience to tourists during their travel.

The Challenge

As business is growing, Passpod requires a reliable platform with complete features, easy to use, and affordable price. Knowing that their market is in Indonesia, so to have a technology platform in Indonesia located data center would necessary for them to give faster connectivity to their customer. Passpod has been using cloud resources in outside Indonesia, and they find the performance and reliability was not as good as what they expected.

The Solution

By taking advantage of Alibaba Cloud's IaaS platform and more specifically ECS, RDS, SLB, and Redis products, they experience improved reliability and performance, and the platform was easily managed under one account. Now they are looking into employing Alibaba Cloud's Big Data Solution so that all their cloud assets are under a unified platform.