“Alibaba Cloud's rich new retail experience and ability to handle big data helped Bonjour to seamlessly connect its offline and online efforts by speeding up its digital transformation process. With a strong presence and familiarity with the Mainland Chinese market, Alibaba Cloud provided Bonjour with a great advantage in expanding the consumer market to solve the problems faced by customers.”

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About Bonjour

Bonjour Holdings Limited is one of the leading cosmetics retail chains in Hong Kong. It was listed on the Main Board of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited in 2003. Bonjour currently runs 30 retail stores in Hong Kong, Macau, and Guangzhou. Most of these retail stores are located in prime locations that are highly visible and easily accessible to pedestrian traffic. We believe that our retail network can provide beauty and health-care products in a more accessible and available way that can continue to gain popularity among customers.


In the past, Bonjour’s sales were mainly in the offline store, but with the impact of the pandemic, the flow of people, and the turnover at the store decreased significantly. Therefore, Bonjour’s deployment and transformation to the combination of offline and online sales, the difficulty faced by it is how to use technology to carry out precise marketing to find out the target customer group or through customer preference analysis to improve customer consumption and loyalty

Why Alibaba Cloud

Alibaba Cloud’s rich, new retail experience, coupled with its huge marketing awareness in Mainland China, gives it a great advantage in expanding the consumer market. Alibaba Cloud's ability to handle big data is very strong. It is an ideal supplier to solve the problems faced by customers and helps speed up the digital transformation process.


Bonjour adopts Alibaba Cloud's MaxCompute, Quick Audience (connect to DataBank) and AnalyticDB for its data processing capabilities. This allows Bonjour to build an all-in-one omnichannel data solution to better formulate brand strategies, monitor brand operation, and increase customer base through rich customer insight models and convenient customer growth strategy configurations. Bonjour also uses QuickBI and Dataphin for data analytics related to online payments and cloud data, allowing them to quickly build data portals to gain accurate insights and meet customized business needs.

Looking Forward

Bonjour looks forward to strengthening our cooperation with Alibaba Cloud in the future and making good use of big data analysis to accelerate our digital transformation. In the long run, Bonjour plans to reduce their reliance on offline stores and achieve a new retail solution by leveraging Alibaba Cloud's technology.