"As a subsidiary of CTI Group and one of the leading IT solution partners in Indonesia for the last eight years. Blue Power Technology collaborates with Alibaba Cloud to give the right cloud solution for Indonesian businesses. Just like what Alibaba Cloud has done for businesses across Asia."

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About Blue Power Technology

Being a fully supported member of the PT. Computrade Technology International (CTI) Group of companies, BPT has gradually earned an outstanding reputation in its paralleled expertise and on-time product distribution and service in the IT industry. BPT’s professional relationships with its partners for continuous cooperation in corporate technical needs analysis and problem-solving has given then an edge in developing effective and efficient roadmaps that seek to align technical infrastructures alongside the business goals of every organization.

The Partnership

To allow Indonesian businesses to gain the benefits of cloud computing, Blue Power Technology has partnered with Alibaba Cloud since 2017 to bring their cloud services and data center, certified with international security standards (ISO, SoC, and CSA) to Indonesia. Thus, giving businesses easier access to manage their data. Blue Power Technology provides managed cloud services, where our certified engineers will help you with implementation, data migration, and managing the cloud itself. By doing so, businesses will be free of stress and get peace of mind in their cloud journey.

The Future

As a subsidiary of CTI Group and one of the leading IT solution partners in Indonesia for the last eight years. Blue Power Technology collaborates with Alibaba Cloud to give the right cloud solution for Indonesian businesses. Just like what Alibaba Cloud has done for businesses across Asia.