Community Blog What Is a Vpn and What Does It Do

What Is a Vpn and What Does It Do

"VPN" is a commonly used term and an abbreviation for virtual private network. It is also a kind of network communication method.

What is a vpn?

"VPN" is a commonly used term and an abbreviation for virtual private network. It is also a kind of network communication method, which was originally mainly used to ensure the security and privacy of network communication. VPN will create a virtual space for you to use online, as if the user is directly connected to a private network. The VPN gateway realizes remote access through the encryption of the data packet and the conversion of the destination address of the data packet.


What does vpn do?

What does vpn do?VPN technology was developed to allow remote users and branch offices to securely access corporate applications and other resources. For enterprises, VPN can be used to connect to their cloud environment, which can help them create an extended network to store and process data and information. VPN can encrypt your network traffic and replace your IP address.


What is a vpn connection?

A VPN connection can hide your data traffic online and protect it from external access. Unencrypted data can be viewed by anyone who has access to the Internet and wants to see the data. With VPN, hackers and cybercriminals cannot decipher these data.In individual cases,VPN can be used to hide your public IP address and geographic location, because all your requests over the Internet are sent from the server where you have created a VPN connection (tunnel).

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