Community Blog Tair (Redis® OSS-Compatible): In-memory Caching To Applications On The Cloud

Tair (Redis® OSS-Compatible): In-memory Caching To Applications On The Cloud

Tair (Redis® OSS-Compatible) is a key-value database service that offers in-memory caching and high-speed access to applications hosted on the cloud.

The Definition of Tair (Redis®* OSS-Compatible)

Tair (Redis® OSS-Compatible) is a database service that is compatible with native Redis® protocols. It supports a hybrid of memory and hard disks for data persistence. Tair (Redis® OSS-Compatible) provides a highly available hot standby architecture and can scale to meet requirements for high-performance and low-latency read/write operations.

The Features of Tair (Redis® OSS-Compatible)

Tair (Redis® OSS-Compatible) supports multiple architectures, persistent data storage, high availability, auto-scaling, and intelligent operations and maintenance.

Flexible architecture

  • Dual-node hot standby architecture

The system synchronizes data between the master node and replica node in real-time. If the master node fails, the system automatically fails over to the replica node and restores services within a few seconds. The replica node takes over services. The master-replica architecture ensures the high availability of system services.

  • Cluster architecture

Cluster instances run in a distributed architecture. Each node uses a high-availability master-replica structure to automatically perform the failover and disaster recovery. Multiple types of cluster instances apply to various businesses. You can scale the database to improve performance as needed.

  • Read/write splitting architecture

Read/write splitting instances consist of proxy servers, master-replica nodes, and read replicas. Read/write splitting instances provide high availability (HA) and high performance. Multiple specifications are available. The read/write splitting architecture allows a large number of concurrent requests to read hot data from reading replicas. This mechanism can reduce the load on the master node and minimize operation and maintenance costs.

Data security

  • Persistent data storage

Based on the hybrid storage of memory and hard disks, Tair (Redis® OSS-Compatible) provides high-speed data read/write capability and enables data persistence.

  • Replication and easy recovery

The system automatically replicates data every day and provides a powerful disaster recovery solution. You can restore data in case of accidental data operations to minimize your business losses.

  • Multi-layer network security protection

A Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) network isolates network transmission at the transport layer.
Anti-DDoS monitors and protects against Distributed-Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attacks.
The system supports more than 1,000 IP whitelists configured to control access risks from requests.
Password authentication ensures secure and reliable access.

  • In-depth kernel optimization

Alibaba Cloud has performed in-depth engine optimization for the Redis® source code to prevent running out of memory, fix security vulnerabilities, and protect your business.

High availability

  • Master-replica structure

Standard and cluster instances support the master-replica structure. They can prevent service interruptions caused by a single point of failure (SPOF).

  • Automatic failure detection and recovery

The system automatically detects hardware failures. In the case of failures, the system performs the failover operation and restores services within a few seconds.

  • Resource isolation

Instance-level resource isolation: Tair (Redis® OSS-Compatible) isolates resources among different instances. A failure on an instance does not affect other instances. This improves the service stability. Instance-level resource isolation is a better measure to ensure the stability of individual services.


  • Data capacity scaling

Tair (Redis® OSS-Compatible) supports multiple types of memory. You can upgrade the memory based on your needs.

  • Performance scaling

The cluster architecture supports the auto-scaling of the storage space and throughput performance of the database system. This can eliminate the performance bottlenecks caused by large amounts of data and high-QPS requirements. Therefore, you can easily handle millions of reading and write requests per second.

Intelligent O&M

  • Monitoring platform

This platform provides real-time monitoring information about the CPU usage, connections, and disk utilization, and generates alerts. This allows you to learn about the up-to-date instance status.

  • Graphical O&M platform

This platform allows you to perform frequent and high-risk operations, such as cloning, backup, and data restoration with one click.

  • Visualized DMS platform

The specialized data management service (DMS) platform supports visual data management. This improves the efficiency of comprehensive research and development (R&D) and operations and maintenance (O&M) efforts.

  • Database kernel version management

Tair (Redis® OSS-Compatible) supports automatic upgrades to fix vulnerabilities. This way, you do not have to manage each kernel version. Parameter settings are optimized to maximize the utilization of system resources.

Related Product

Tair (Redis® OSS-Compatible)

Tair (Redis® OSS-Compatible) is an automated and scalable tool for developers to manage data storage shared across multiple processes, applications or servers.

As a Redis® protocol compatible tool, Tair (Redis® OSS-Compatible) offers exceptional read-write capabilities and ensures data persistence by using memory and hard disk storage. Tair (Redis® OSS-Compatible) provides data read-write capabilities at high speed by retrieving data from in-memory caches and ensures data persistence by using both memory and hard disk storage mode.

Tair (Redis® OSS-Compatible) supports advanced data structures such as leaderboard, counting, session, and tracking, which are not readily achievable through ordinary databases.

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High-Performance Redis® on Alibaba

Redis® is an open-source in-memory database used by companies around the world—for everything from caching to queuing. Because of its speed and ease of use, Redis® is a personal favorite solution of mine for dealing with large key-value datasets.

In the past, I've used Redis® to speed up costly ranking queries that were ill-suited to a more traditional relational database. I also often use it to manage auto-expiring caches and FI/FO queue systems within many of the projects I find myself working on.

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*Redis is a registered trademark of Redis Ltd. Any rights therein are reserved to Redis Ltd. Any use by Alibaba Cloud is for referential purposes only and does not indicate any sponsorship, endorsement or affiliation between Redis and Alibaba Cloud.

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