Community Blog Pocket-Sized Cloud Computers Are In

Pocket-Sized Cloud Computers Are In

Alibaba Cloud launched its petite Wuying Cloud Computer and the desktop-sized Elastic Desktop Service (EDS) last week.

Alibaba Cloud's new cloud-based computers, now available for users in Singapore. Photo credit: Alibaba Group

Last week, Alibaba Group's cloud computing arm made big news by going small as its pocket-sized cloud-connected computers hit the Singapore market. Haven't got pockets? Don't worry. A desktop-sized version is also available.

Honey, Someone Shrunk the Cloud Computer!

Imagine the power of the cloud, available in the palm of your hand. Alibaba Cloud made this possible for Singaporean users last week by launching its petite Wuying Cloud Computer and the desktop-sized Elastic Desktop Service (EDS).

The computers bring Singaporean businesses and their workforces Desktop-as-a-Service (DaaS) for easier IT deployment, enhanced security and greater working flexibility as Alibaba Cloud manages setup, maintenance, storage and connectivity.

Professionals working outside the office will be able to run heavy computer-powered productivity applications on these cost-effective devices, from building oil simulations and medical research to video rendering and financial modeling.

“We have seen customers using our cloud computing and reducing their IT hardware spending by almost 50%, resulting in a significant boost to their productivity levels,” said Dr. Derek Wang, General Manager for Singapore, Alibaba Cloud Intelligence.

One of the early adopters of Alibaba Cloud's cloud computer in Singapore is one-stop IT and communication service provider Netpluz Asia.

The company's employees use Alibaba's cloud computers to access corporate applications through a web browser, helping them to scale faster while cutting capital expenditure.

This article was originally published on Alizila, written by Elizabeth Utley.

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