Community Blog MVP #FridayFive: July 2019 Edition 3

MVP #FridayFive: July 2019 Edition 3

Alibaba Cloud MVP Friday Five is a blog column to share interesting and helpful content brought by global Alibaba Cloud MVPs.

MVP #FridayFive is a blog series to celebrate and highlight some of the pronounced contributions from Alibaba Cloud MVP's towards making the Alibaba Cloud technologies more adaptable #FridayFive.

Every Friday, we will delve into various contributions from our experts around the globe and share the top five remarkable activities of the week through this platform with rest of the world.

Below are the top five technological activities of this week specially curated from Alibaba Cloud communities:

5. [Slides] A Glimpse of Alibaba Cloud and Object Storage Services

By Rajat Jaiswal, India MVP

This is a PPT which is created for technical people to understand Alibaba Cloud and Object Storage Services.

Link to Slides

4. [Blog] Kubernetes Cluster Monitoring Using Prometheus

By Anish Nath, India MVP

In this article, we will show you how to monitor a Kubernetes cluster using Prometheus Operator on Alibaba Cloud Container Service.

Link to Blog

3. [Blog] Creating Scalable Search Service for Online Resources

By Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan, Pakistan MVP

This article shows you how Alibaba Cloud Elasticsearch can help you store, manage, and retrieve information through its powerful backend indexing and caching algorithms.

Link to Blog

2. [Blog] How to Manage Django Images and Static Assets on Ubuntu 18.04

By Hervé Arsène Bineli Manga, Cameroon MVP

This tutorial shows you how to effectively use the django.contrib.staticfiles module to improve web user experience with the Django framework.

Link to Blog

1. [Blog] Tengine, Docker, and PHP Application Best Practices

By Alberto Roura, Australia MVP

This case we are presenting today is a very simplified example made to showcase the concept and to be easily understood, but it sets the base to scale it on your own as you gain confidence on this topic. We will make use of Elastic Compute Service (ECS), Server Load Balancer (SLB) and Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), all very common Alibaba Cloud services that you should be familiar with.

Link to Blog

About Alibaba Cloud MVP

Here at Alibaba Cloud, we always strive towards making a digitally connected world and to ease your information technology challenges. Our handpicked industry experts, Alibaba Cloud MVPs, contribute towards this vision in their own way by enabling the world on how Alibaba Cloud technologies are transforming businesses in a day to day basis.

Alibaba Cloud Most Valuable Professional (MVP) is an award given to the technical leaders in the community for their contributions towards helping others understand and adopt Alibaba Cloud technologies.

Learn more about Alibaba Cloud MVP at https://mvp.alibabacloud.com

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