Community Blog Leveraging IoT Data in the Cloud: Why your business is more at risk

Leveraging IoT Data in the Cloud: Why your business is more at risk

Using the data generated by Internet of Things (IoT) technology to deliver measureable business value has great potential, particularly when it comes .


According to Gartner, 6.4billion “things” will be in use worldwide in 2016 and the technology consulting firm expects this number to grow to 21 billion by 2020. That’s a massive amount of data and devices to manage and integrate into the cloud.

Using the data generated by Internet of Things (IoT) technology to deliver measureable business value has great potential, particularly when it comes to creating efficiencies and reducing operational costs. More importantly, leveraging these sensors and the data generated will drive innovations in how we power our world.

However, as the IoT market expands, integrating this data into existing infrastructure can leave organizations vulnerable to a new host of security challenges. When evaluating how to leverage this data, it’s critical for IT decision makers to come together with their CEO and determine not only how to protect themselves from an attack today, but attacks in the future.

In order to protect against different types of attacks, it’s imperative to have a multi-layer security approach that starts with an integrated security system at the cloud infrastructure level. Organizations should look for systems that include:

  • DDoS prevention;
  • network intrusion detection;
  • web application protection;
  • host intrusion protection;
  • vulnerability protection; and
  • Trojan detection

By incorporating the above security measures directly into the cloud infrastructure, businesses can reduce the risk of these types of attacks.

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