Community Blog Data Migration From Solr To Alibaba Cloud Elasticsearch

Data Migration From Solr To Alibaba Cloud Elasticsearch

This article provides a thorough walk-through of the migration process, complemented by comprehensive code examples.

What is Apache Solr

Before we dive into the migration process, let's understand the platform we are transitioning from. Apache Solr is an open-source search platform built on Apache Lucene. It's widely recognized for its powerful full-text search, hit highlighting, faceted search, dynamic clustering, database integration, and rich document handling capabilities. Designed for scalability and fault tolerance, Solr is the choice of many for enterprise search and analytics applications. It provides an incredible array of features and is highly extensible, allowing teams to tailor it to their unique data indexing and search needs.

However, as the technology landscape evolves, many businesses are migrating their search and analytics workloads to more advanced and cloud-native solutions like Alibaba Cloud Elasticsearch, which offers a suite of integrated features, enhanced scalability, and managed services.

In this tutorial, we'll navigate through the process of migrating documents from a Solr cluster to an Alibaba Cloud Elasticsearch cluster using the solr-to-es tool, a third-party community-provided utility designed to streamline the migration process.

Prepare the Environment

Before initiating the migration, a proper environment needs to be set up. Follow these steps to prepare your system:

1)Create an Alibaba Cloud Elasticsearch V6.X Cluster: For this example, we'll use an Elasticsearch V6.3.2 cluster. Ensure compatibility with your tool version. Learn more about setting up a cluster on the Alibaba Cloud Elasticsearch product page

2)Enable Auto Indexing: Configure the YML file to enable auto-indexing on your Elasticsearch cluster.

3)Set up Alibaba Cloud Elastic Compute Service (ECS) Instance: The ECS instance should run CentOS 7.3 and reside within the same region, zone, and VPC as the Elasticsearch cluster.

4)Install Solr and Python on ECS: Use Solr 5.0.0 and Python 3.6.2 or later versions for compatibility. Additionally, install pysolr version 3.3.3 or later but earlier than 4.0.

Install solr-to-es

After setting up the environment, proceed with the solr-to-es installation:

# Connect to your ECS instance and navigate to the directory of setup.py
sudo python setup.py install

Document Migration

To migrate documents, execute the following command, adjusting parameters as required:

sudo python __main__.py 'http://<solr_url>:8983/solr/<my_core>/select?q=*%3A*&wt=json&indent=true' 'http://<username>:<password>@<elasticsearch_url>:9200' <elasticsearch_index> <doc_type>

Parameters Breakdown

  • : Your Solr cluster endpoint.
  • : Solr Core name containing the documents.
  • /: Access credentials for your Elasticsearch cluster.
  • : Endpoint of your Elasticsearch cluster.
  • : Name of the index for the migrated documents.
  • : The index type.

Example Migration Command

sudo python __main__.py 'http://116.62.**.**:8983/solr/my_core/select?q=*%3A*&wt=json&indent=true' 'http://elastic:YourPassword@es-cn-so4lwf40ubsrf****.public.elasticsearch.aliyuncs.com:9200' elasticsearch_index doc_type

Verify Migration

After executing the migration, double-check the data transfer:

# Check index creation
GET _cat/indices?v

# View migrated document details
GET /elasticsearch_index/doc_type/_search

Upon successful execution, you'll receive a response confirming the existence and details of your migrated documents.

Migrating from a Solr cluster to an Alibaba Cloud Elasticsearch cluster makes your data more accessible, scalable, and manageable, leveraging Alibaba Cloud's robust infrastructure.

Ready to start your journey with Elasticsearch on Alibaba Cloud? Explore our tailored Cloud solutions and services to take the first step towards transforming your data into a visual masterpiece.

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