Vulnerability Assessment Service

In the Vulnerability Detection Service, Alibaba Cloud security technicians use multiple commercial vulnerability scanners (Nessus, WVS) and self-developed scanner to perform a comprehensive security inspection on specified websites. Our experts will analyze the scan results, remove false positives, and issue a security scan report.

Application Process (Exact details to be negotiated)

  • 1

    Submission of application (N)

  • 2

    Requirements communication (N+2)

  • 3

    Assessment Service (N+7)

  • 4

    Services Term

N indicates the day of application submission

Price: Subject to negotiation

Contact us

Application Scenarios

This service is suitable for customers that want to perform a comprehensive security scan on their online systems and receive security reinforcement suggestions.


Enterprises with critical online business systems that lack professional security testers.


Port Inspection

This service checks if target servers open unnecessary service ports, which can result in security risks.

System Vulnerability Scan

Use professional vulnerability scanners to inspect the security of server operating systems and installed service software.

Web Vulnerability Scan

Performs a comprehensive scan and manual inspection of websites for existing vulnerabilities as listed on the OWASP Top 10.

Vulnerability Review

Security experts perform a manual review of the scan results to avoid any false positives.