Cloud System Expert Support (Standard Edition)

Alibaba Cloud provides full remote technical support in case of emergencies to ensure the stability of your businesses on the cloud. Our team of experts tests your system’s capacity and provides advice on management schemes, system optimization and disaster tolerance methods, and emergency response mechanisms.

Application Process (Exact details to be negotiated)

  • 1

    Submission of application (N)

  • 2

    Requirements communication (N+1)

  • 3

    Solution implementation (N+2)

  • 4

    End of support

N indicates the day of application submission

Price: Subject to negotiation

Contact us

Application Scenarios

This service is applicable to situations when your system is facing sudden increase of traffic volume, for example, during promotions, version updates, or online promotional campaigns. Alibaba Cloud experts provide you with technical support and emergency response services to help you maintain business stability in such situations.


Users whose system components are all deployed based on Alibaba Cloud products and services.


Analysis of current system capacity (optional)

This service quickly analyzes existing bottlenecks in your systems (applications and databases) and provides a specific optimization solution that is feasible within a short term.

System capacity optimization and resizing (optional)

- Before the start of a campaign, this service evaluates the capacities of your systems (applications and databases), provides performance stress testing advice based on your expected promotion metrics (concurrent volume), and gives an optimization and resizing solution based on the stress test results.

- This service provides solutions for cloudification architecture optimization based on a comprehensive consideration of your business characteristics and cloud operations.

Database optimization (optional)

This service fully diagnoses your databases to identify any potential bottlenecks and provides an optimized solution.

Security vulnerability detection (optional)

This service quickly scans your application systems for security vulnerabilities and generates a security report.

Disaster tolerance solution planning (optional)

This service provides advice on disaster tolerance solutions for your application system based on your business characteristics and needs.

O&M support during campaigns

This service responds to major issues within 30 minutes, and provides 24/7 remote support for O&M assurance and emergency services during promotional campaigns.

Technical service manager

This service assigns a dedicated manager who will provide technical services and respond to major issues within 30 minutes during the term of service.

Online technical support

This service provides technical support through DingTalk during business hours as stated in the term of service.