Important Notice: Alibaba Cloud Regions will be renamed from May 31, 2016

Dear Alibaba Cloud users,

In order to differentiate the regional distribution of Alibaba Cloud global data centers, we will start using the new region names from May 31, 2016. The region table for the current region name vs the new region name is listed below:

Current Region Name New Name
North China 1 (Qingdao) North China 1
North China 2 (Beijing) North China 2
East China 1 (Hangzhou) East China 1
East China 2 (Shanghai) East China 2
South China 1 (Shenzhen) South China 1
Hong Kong Hong Kong
US West (Silicon Valley) US West 1
Asia Pacific (Singapore) Singapore
US East (Virginia) US East 1

We apologize in advance for any inconvenience this has caused. Thanks for your support and understanding. We hope this new naming convention will help users overall.

Best regards,
The Alibaba Cloud team
May 27, 2016