Connect Platform Launched on Alibaba Cloud

Dear Alibaba Cloud User,

On January 25, 2018, we added the Connect platform to

The Connect platform is Alibaba Cloud’s dedicated suggestion and feedback collection system. Using Connect, you can submit a variety of suggestions: bug reports, requests for new features, as well as new product suggestions.

After submitting your feedback, Alibaba Cloud will evaluate your suggestion and determine the possibility of implementation. Once we have reached a decision, we will reply to you and let you know whether or not your suggestion will be adopted and implemented.

The best suggestions will result in a reward (such as Alibaba Cloud coupons) and a place on the monthly user feedback “Honor Roll”.

Those who regularly contribute suggestions can also earn Alibaba Cloud “MVP” status, which comes with its own rewards and recognition.

Thank you for your continued support of Alibaba Cloud,

Alibaba Cloud Team