[Alibaba Cloud] [Time Series Database (TSDB)] [End of Sale for TSDB]

Alibaba Cloud plans to stop providing services related to Time Series Database (TSDB). For your needs of time series data storage and processing, Lindorm, a cloud-native multi-model database that is compatible with TSDB, will continue to provide such capabilities. The following section provides the specific schedule and content.

•End of Sale: Starting from May 3, 2023, Alibaba Cloud will no longer provide the purchase service of TSDB.
•End of Service: Starting from November 3, 2023, Alibaba Cloud will no longer provide the upgrade and renewal services of TSDB.
•End of Support: Starting from May 3, 2024, Alibaba Cloud will no longer provide any service of TSDB.
You can still purchase, renew, and upgrade TSDB in the Alibaba Cloud Management Console till May 2, 2023. However, renewals can not be made for longer than May 3, 2024.

•The plan for the end of sale affects only TSDB that uses the subscription billing method. The purchase and use of pay-as-you-go instances are not affected before the date of end of support (May 3, 2024).
•We recommend that you use Lindorm Tunnel Service (LTS) to seamlessly migrate the data of the TSDB instances that uses the subscription billing method from TSDB to Lindorm at the earliest opportunity. For more information, see Migrate full data from TSDB to LindormTSDB (https://www.alibabacloud.com/help/lindorm/latest/tsdb-for-a-full-data-migration-task-is-to-the-timing-engine).

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us by submitting tickets (https://workorder-intl.console.aliyun.com/#/ticket/createIndex).
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