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:How to Handle Alibaba Cloud Content Delivery Network Origin Domain Name Errors

更新時間:Jan 12, 2022


In the Alibaba Cloud Content Delivery Network console, set the origin domain name to, and the actual access is


Your back-to-origin host is set to, which causes the to be resolved during back-to-origin. Change the origin host to


See the following operations to modify a back-to-origin HOST:

  1. Log on to the Alibaba Cloud Content Delivery Network console.
  2. In the left-side navigation pane, click Domain Names.
  3. On the Domain Names page, find the target domain name and click Manage.
  4. In the left-side navigation pane of the specified domain name, click Back-to-origin Configuration.
  5. In the Origin HOST section, click Modify.
  6. Turn on the Origin Host switch, select Domain Name Type, and click OK.


If you use Alibaba Cloud CDN to accelerate access to Object Storage Service (OSS) buckets, note that:

  • Set the back-to-origin host to a Alibaba Cloud Content Delivery Network accelerated domain.

    If you set the back-to-origin host to an accelerated domain name, the domain name must be bound in the OSS console. Otherwise, the bucket corresponding to the domain name cannot be found during the back-to-origin Alibaba Cloud Content Delivery Network. For more information about how to bind a domain name, see Bind a custom domain name.

  • Set the back-to-origin HOST to an OSS domain name.

    Alibaba Cloud CDN redirects back-to-origin requests to the specified OSS bucket to retrieve requested files.

Applicable scope

  • CDN