Creates a pay-as-you-go or subscription data disk.
Operation description
You can enable the multi-attach (
) feature when you create a disk. Before you enable the multi-attach feature, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the feature and the limits on the feature. For more information, see NVMe protocol and Use the multi-attach feature to attach a cloud disk to multiple ECS instances. -
You can create disks of the following disk categories: basic disks, ultra disks, standard SSDs, Enterprise SSDs (ESSDs), ESSD Entry disks, Regional ESSDs, ESSD AutoPL disks, standard elastic ephemeral disks, and premium elastic ephemeral disks.
Before you can create a disk, you must complete real-name verification. Complete real-name verification on the Real-name Verification page in the Alibaba Cloud Management Console.
When you create disks, you may be charged for the resources used. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the billing methods of Elastic Compute Service (ECS) resources before you create a disk. For more information, see Billing overview.
When you call this operation to create a disk, specific parameters are automatically specified.
is automatically set totrue
when a disk is created. This indicates that the automatic snapshots of the disk are deleted when the disk is released. You can call the DescribeDisks operation to query the DeleteAutoSnapshot value for the disk and call the ModifyDiskAttribute operation to change the DeleteAutoSnapshot value for the disk.- If you do not specify a performance level when you create an ESSD, the performance level of the ESSD is automatically set to PL1. To change the performance level of the ESSD, you can call the ModifyDiskSpec operation.
is automatically set totrue
when a disk is created, which indicates that the disk is a pay-as-you-go disk.
Authorization information
The following table shows the authorization information corresponding to the API. The authorization information can be used in the Action
policy element to grant a RAM user or RAM role the permissions to call this API operation. Description:
- Operation: the value that you can use in the Action element to specify the operation on a resource.
- Access level: the access level of each operation. The levels are read, write, and list.
- Resource type: the type of the resource on which you can authorize the RAM user or the RAM role to perform the operation. Take note of the following items:
- For mandatory resource types, indicate with a prefix of * .
- If the permissions cannot be granted at the resource level,
All Resources
is used in the Resource type column of the operation.
- Condition Key: the condition key that is defined by the cloud service.
- Associated operation: other operations that the RAM user or the RAM role must have permissions to perform to complete the operation. To complete the operation, the RAM user or the RAM role must have the permissions to perform the associated operations.
Operation | Access level | Resource type | Condition key | Associated operation |
ecs:CreateDisk | create | Disk acs:ecs:{#regionId}:{#accountId}:disk/* Disk acs:ecs:{#regionId}:{#accountId}:disk/{#diskId} Snapshot acs:ecs:{#regionId}:{#accountId}:snapshot/{#snapshotId} |
| none |
Request parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description | Example |
RegionId | string | Yes | The ID of the region in which to create the disk. You can call the DescribeRegions operation to query the most recent region list. | cn-hangzhou |
ZoneId | string | No | The ID of the zone in which to create the pay-as-you-go disk.
You do not need to specify this parameter if you set DiskCategory to cloud_regional_disk_auto to create a Regional ESSD.
| cn-hangzhou-g |
SnapshotId | string | No | The ID of the snapshot to use to create the disk. Snapshots that were created on or before July 15, 2013 cannot be used to create disks. The following limits apply to
| s-bp67acfmxazb4p**** |
DiskName | string | No | The name of the data disk. The name must be 2 to 128 characters in length and can contain letters, digits, colons (:), underscores (_), periods (.), and hyphens (-). The name must start with a letter. This parameter is left empty by default. | testDiskName |
Size | integer | No | The size of the data disk. Unit: GiB. This parameter is required. Valid values:
If you specify
| 2000 |
DiskCategory | string | No | The category of the data disk. Valid values:
Default value: cloud. | cloud_ssd |
Description | string | No | The description of the disk. The description must be 2 to 256 characters in length and cannot start with This parameter is left empty by default. | testDescription |
Encrypted | boolean | No | Specifies whether to encrypt the disk. Valid values:
Default value: false. | false |
ClientToken | string | No | The client token that is used to ensure the idempotence of the request. You can use the client to generate the token, but you must make sure that the token is unique among different requests. The token can contain only ASCII characters and cannot exceed 64 characters in length. For more information, see How to ensure idempotence. | 123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000 |
InstanceId | string | No | The ID of the subscription instance to which to attach the subscription disk.
This parameter is empty by default, which indicates that a pay-as-you-go disk is created in the region and zone specified by RegionId and ZoneId. | i-bp18pnlg1ds9rky4**** |
ResourceGroupId | string | No | The ID of the resource group to which to add the disk. | rg-bp67acfmxazb4p**** |
KMSKeyId | string | No | The ID of the Key Management Service (KMS) key that is used for the disk. | 0e478b7a-4262-4802-b8cb-00d3fb40826X |
PerformanceLevel | string | No | The performance level of the disk if the disk is an ESSD. Valid values:
Default value: PL1. For information about ESSD performance levels, see ESSDs . | PL1 |
AdvancedFeatures | string | No | This parameter is not publicly available. | hide |
StorageSetId | string | No | The ID of the storage set. Note
You cannot specify storage set-related parameters ( StorageSetId and StorageSetPartitionNumber ) and the dedicated block storage cluster-related parameter (StorageClusterId ) at the same time. Otherwise, the operation cannot be called.
| ss-bp67acfmxazb4p**** |
EncryptAlgorithm | string | No | This parameter is not publicly available. | hide |
StorageSetPartitionNumber | integer | No | The number of partitions in the storage set. The value must be greater than or equal to 2 but cannot exceed the quota obtained by calling the DescribeAccountAttributes operation. Default value: 2. | 3 |
StorageClusterId | string | No | The ID of the dedicated block storage cluster in which to create the disk. To create a disk in a specific dedicated block storage cluster, you must specify this parameter. Note
You can specify the storage set-related parameters ( StorageSetId and StorageSetPartitionNumber ) or the dedicated block storage cluster-related parameter (StorageClusterId ), but not both. If you specify a storage set-related parameter and a dedicated block storage cluster-related parameter in a request, the request fails.
| dbsc-j5e1sf2vaf5he8m2**** |
MultiAttach | string | No | Specifies whether to enable the multi-attach feature for the disk. Valid values:
Default value: Disabled. Note
Disks for which the multi-attach feature is enabled support only the pay-as-you-go billing method. When MultiAttach is set to Enabled, you cannot specify InstanceId . You can call the AttachDisk operation to attach disks to instances after the disks are created. Disks for which the multi-attach feature is enabled can be attached only as data disks.
| Disabled |
Tag | array<object> | No | The tags to add to the disk. | |
object | No | The tag to add to the disk. | ||
key | string | No | The key of tag N to add to the disk. Note
We recommend that you use Tag.N.Key to ensure future compatibility.
| Test |
Key | string | No | The key of tag N to add to the disk. Valid values of N: 1 to 20. The tag key cannot be an empty string. The tag key can be up to 128 characters in length and cannot contain | TestKey |
Value | string | No | The value of tag N to add to the disk. Valid values of N: 1 to 20. The tag value can be an empty string. The tag value can be up to 128 characters in length and cannot contain | TestValue |
value | string | No | The value of tag N to add to the disk. Note
We recommend that you use Tag.N.Value to ensure future compatibility.
| Test |
Arn | array<object> | No | Note
This parameter is not publicly available.
| |
object | No | Note
This parameter is not publicly available.
| ||
RoleType | string | No | Note
This parameter is not publicly available.
| hide |
Rolearn | string | No | Note
This parameter is not publicly available.
| hide |
AssumeRoleFor | long | No | Note
This parameter is not publicly available.
| 1000000000 |
ProvisionedIops | long | No | The provisioned read/write IOPS of the ESSD AutoPL disk. Valid values: 0 to min{50,000, 1,000 × Capacity - Baseline IOPS}. Baseline IOPS = min{1,800 + 50 × Capacity, 50,000} Note
This parameter is available only if you set DiskCategory to cloud_auto . For more information, see ESSD AutoPL disks.
| 40000 |
BurstingEnabled | boolean | No | Specifies whether to enable the performance burst feature. Valid values:
This parameter is available only if you set DiskCategory to cloud_auto . For more information, see ESSD AutoPL disks.
| false |
Response parameters
Sample success responses
"DiskId": "d-bp131n0q38u3a4zi****",
"RequestId": "473469C7-AA6F-4DC5-B3DB-A3DC0DE3****",
"OrderId": "20413515388****"
Error codes
HTTP status code | Error code | Error message | Description |
400 | InvalidSize.ValueNotSupported | The specified parameter Size is not valid. | The specified Size parameter is invalid. |
400 | InvalidDiskName.Malformed | The specified disk name is wrongly formed. | The disk name is invalid. The name must be 2 to 128 characters in length and start with a letter. It can contain letters, digits, periods (.), underscores (_), and hyphens (-) and cannot start with http:// or https. |
400 | InvalidDescription.Malformed | The specified description is wrongly formed. | The resource description is invalid. The description must be 2 to 256 characters in length and cannot start with http:// or https://. |
400 | MissingParameter | The input parameter either "SnapshotId" or "Size" should be specified. | - |
400 | InvalidDiskCategory.NotSupported | The specified disk category is not support. | The specified disk category is not supported. |
400 | Account.Arrearage | Your account has an outstanding payment. | Your account has overdue payments. |
400 | InvalidDiskCategory.ValueNotSupported | The specified parameter "DiskCategory" is not valid. | The specified cloud disk type DiskCategory is invalid. |
400 | InvalidDataDiskCategory.ValueNotSupported | %s | - |
400 | InvalidParameter.Conflict | %s | The specified parameter is invalid. Check whether parameter conflicts exist. %s is a variable. An error message is dynamically returned based on call conditions. |
400 | RegionUnauthorized | %s | - |
400 | Zone.NotOnSale | %s | The requested resources are unavailable in the specified zone. %s is a variable. An error message is dynamically returned based on call conditions. |
400 | InvalidDataDiskSize.ValueNotSupported | %s | - |
400 | OperationDenied | The specified Zone is not available or not authorized. | The specified zone is unavailable or you are not authorized to access it. |
400 | InvalidDiskSize.NotSupported | The specified parameter size is not valid. | - |
400 | InvalidDiskSizeOrCategory | The specified disk category or size is invalid. | The specified disk category or size is invalid. |
400 | InvalidParameter.EncryptedIllegal | %s | The specified parameter is invalid. Check whether your encryption operation is supported. %s is a variable. An error message is dynamically returned based on call conditions. |
400 | InvalidParameter.EncryptedNotSupported | %s | The specified parameter is invalid and your encryption operation is not supported. %s is a variable. An error message is dynamically returned based on call conditions. |
400 | EncryptedOption.Conflict | %s | The specified parameter is invalid and your encryption operation is not supported. %s is a variable. An error message is dynamically returned based on call conditions. |
400 | InvalidParameter.EncryptedIllegal | The specified parameter Encrypted must be true when kmsKeyId is not empty. | The encryption feature is not enabled after a Key Management Service (KMS) key ID is specified. |
400 | Duplicate.TagKey | The Tag.N.Key contain duplicate key. | The specified tag key already exists. Tag keys must be unique. |
400 | InvalidTagKey.Malformed | The specified Tag.n.Key is not valid. | The specified Tag.N.Key parameter is invalid. |
400 | InvalidTagValue.Malformed | The specified Tag.n.Value is not valid. | The specified tag value is invalid. |
400 | InvalidParameter.Arns | The specified Arns is not valid. | The Arns parameter is invalid. Please check and pass it again. |
400 | MissingParameter | The input parameter ZoneId that is mandatory for processing this request is not supplied. | - |
400 | InvalidPerformanceLevel.Malformed | The specified parameter PerformanceLevel is not valid. | The specified PerformanceLevel parameter is invalid. |
400 | InvalidDiskCategory.ConflictSnapshotCategory | The specified disk category conflict with snapshot category. | - |
400 | InvalidEncrypted.NotMatchEncryptAlgorithm | The specified parameter Encrypted must be true when EncryptAlgorithm is not empty. | - |
400 | InvalidEncrypted.NotMatchKmsKeyId | The specified parameter Encrypted must be true when KmsKeyId is not empty. | - |
400 | InvalidEncrypted.NotMatchSnapshot | The specified parameter Encrypted is different from the Encrypted of the snapshot. | When creating a disk from an encrypted snapshot, you must set the Encrypted parameter to true. |
400 | InvalidEncryptAlgorithm.NotMatchSnapshot | The specified parameter EncryptAlgorithm is different from the encrypt algorithm of the snapshot. | - |
400 | InvalidKmsKeyId.NotMatchSnapshot | The specified parameter KmsKeyId is different from the KmsKeyId of the snapshot. | - |
400 | InvalidEncryptAlgorithm | The specified parameter EncryptAlgorithm is not valid. | - |
400 | InvalidPerformanceLevel.ValueNotSupported | The current ZoneId does not support PL0 of cloud_essd. | - |
400 | InvalidKMSKeyId.NotSymmetric | The specified parameter KmsKeyId must be symmetric. | The KMSKey used for encryption must be a symmetric encryption key. |
400 | InvalidStorageSetId.NotFound | The specified storage set does not exist. | - |
400 | InvalidStorageClusterId.StatusNotSupport | The current status of the dedicated storage cluster cannot create a cloud disk yet. | - |
400 | InvalidStorageClusterId.ConflictWithStorageSetId | The specified StorageClusterId is in conflict with storageSetId. | - |
400 | InvalidStorageClusterId.ConflictWithInstanceId | The specified StorageClusterId is in conflict with instanceId. | - |
400 | InvalidStorageClusterId.CategoryNotMatch | The current dedicated storage cluster cannot create this category of disk. | - |
400 | InvalidStorageClusterId.PerformanceLevelNotMatch | The current dedicated storage cluster cannot create this performance level of disk. | - |
400 | InvalidStorageClusterId.CapacityNotEnough | The remaining capacity of the current dedicated storage cluster is less than the size of disk. | The remaining capacity of the dedicated block storage cluster to which the disk belongs is insufficient. |
400 | InvalidCloudBoxZone.EncryptedNotSupported | The cloud box zone does not support creating encrypted disks. | - |
400 | InvalidInstance.NotFoundSystemDisk | The specified instance has no system disk. | The specified instance does not have a system disk. Make sure that the instance has a system disk. You can call the DescribeInstances operation to query the details of the instance. |
400 | ProvisionedIopsForDiskCategoryUnsupported | The specified disk category does not support provisioned iops. | - |
400 | InvalidProvisionedIops.LimitExceed | The provisioned iops exceeds the limit. | The filled ProvisionedIops parameter exceeds the limit. |
400 | BurstingEnabledForDiskCategoryUnsupported | The specified disk category does not support bursting enabled. | - |
400 | BurstingEnabledForMultiAttachDiskUnsupported | The multi attach disk does not support bursting enabled. | - |
400 | ProvisionedIopsForDiskCategoryRequired | The provisioned iops is required for this disk category. | - |
400 | NotSupportSnapshotEncrypted.RegionId | The specified region does not support creating encrypted disks with native snapshot encrypt. | - |
400 | NotSupportSnapshotEncrypted.ZoneId | The specified zone does not support creating encrypted disks with native snapshot encrypt. | - |
400 | NotSupportSnapshotEncrypted.ShareImage | Shared snapshot creating encrypted disks with native snapshot encrypt is not supported. | When you create encrypted disks based on a shared image, only the encryption key provided by the shared image can be used for these disks and you cannot specify encryption keys for the disks. |
400 | NotSupport.SnapshotEncryptedAlgorithmConflict | Changing encrypt algorithm with encrypted snapshot is not supported. | - |
400 | QuotaExceed.DiskCapacity | The used capacity of disk type has exceeded the quota in the zone, %s. | The capacity of disks that belong to the specified disk category exceeds the quota limit for the zone. |
400 | InsufficientBalance.AgentAccount | The account balance is insufficient. Please contact your channel partner to recharge in time. | The account balance is insufficient. Contact your customer service representative to add funds to the account in a timely manner. |
400 | InvalidParam.EncryptedMismatch | Creating encrypted disks with shared encrypted snapshots requires replacing encryption keys. | - |
400 | InvalidAccountStatus.NotEnoughBalance | Your account does not have enough balance, please contact your partner to increase your account balance. | - |
400 | InvalidParameter.KmsNotEnabled | Failed to perform this operation because KMS is not activated. | You need to activate KMS key management service. |
400 | InvalidParameter.Encrypted.KmsNotEnable | Failed to perform this operation because KMS is not activated. | You need to activate KMS key escrow service. |
400 | InvalidParam.EncryptedMismatch | Creating encrypted disks with shared encrypted image requires replacing encryption keys. | You must change the encryption key to create a cloud disk after sharing an encrypted image. |
400 | InvalidZoneId.DiskCategoryUnsupported | The specified disk category does not support setting the ZoneId. | The specified disk category does not support setting the ZoneId. |
400 | InvalidStorageSetId.DiskCategoryUnsupported | The specified disk category does not support setting the StorageSetId. | The specified disk category does not support setting the StorageSetId. |
400 | InvalidStorageClusterId.DiskCategoryUnsupported | The specified disk category does not support setting the StorageClusterId. | The specified disk category does not support setting the StorageClusterId. |
400 | InvalidParameter.Encrypted | Creating non-encrypted disks with encrypted snapshots is not supported. | Creating a non-encrypted disk with an encrypted snapshot is not supported. |
403 | InvalidDataDiskCategory.NotSupported | Specified disk category is not supported. | The specified disk category is not supported. |
403 | InstanceDiskCategoryLimitExceed | The total size of specified disk category in an instance exceeds. | The total size of disks of the specified category exceeds the maximum capacity allowed for an instance. |
403 | InvalidSnapshot.NotReady | The specified snapshot creation is not completed yet. | The specified snapshot is not created. |
403 | InvalidSnapshot.TooOld | This operation is forbidden because the specified snapshot is created before 2013-07-15. | The disk cannot be re-initialized because the snapshot used to create the disk was created before July 15, 2013. |
403 | InvalidSnapshot.TooLarge | The capacity of snapshot exceeds 2000GB. | The snapshot size exceeds 2,000 GB. |
403 | OperationDenied | The specified snapshot is not allowed to create disk. | The specified snapshot cannot be used to create disks. |
403 | QuotaExceed.PortableCloudDisk | The quota of portable cloud disk exceeds. | The maximum number of removable disks has been reached. |
403 | InvalidDiskCategory.ValueUnauthorized | The disk category is not authorized. | You need permission to operate this disk category. |
403 | InvalidSnapshotId.NotReady | The specified snapshot has not completed yet. | The specified snapshot is being created. |
403 | InvalidSnapshotId.NotDataDiskSnapshot | The specified snapshot is system disk snapshot. | The specified snapshot is a system disk snapshot. |
403 | InvalidDiskSize.TooSmall | Specified disk size is less than the size of snapshot. | The specified disk size is smaller than the snapshot size. |
403 | OperationDenied | The type of the disk does not support the operation. | The disk category does not support the specified operation. |
403 | InvalidDataDiskCategory.NotSupported | %s | - |
403 | InvalidDiskSize.NotSupported | Disk size is not supported. | The disk size is invalid. |
403 | InvalidAccountStatus.NotEnoughBalance | Your account does not have enough balance. | Your account balance is insufficient. Add funds to your account and try again. |
403 | InvalidAccountStatus.SnapshotServiceUnavailable | Snapshot service has not been opened yet. | The operation is not supported while the snapshot service is not activated. |
403 | InvalidPayMethod | The specified pay method is not valid. | The specified payment method is invalid. |
403 | InvalidDiskCategory.NotSupported | The specified disk category is not supported. | The specified disk category does not support this operation. |
403 | InvalidDiskSize.NotSupported | The specified disk size is not supported. | - |
403 | UserNotInTheWhiteList | The user is not in disk white list. | You are not authorized to manage the disk. Try again when you are authorized. |
403 | QuotaExceed.PostPaidDisk | Living postPaid disks quota exceeded. | - |
403 | InvalidRegion.NotSupport | The specified region does not support byok. | The bring your own key (BYOK) feature is not supported in the region. |
403 | UserNotInTheWhiteList | The user is not in byok white list. | You are not authorized to use the bring your own key (BYOK) feature. Try again when you are authorized. |
403 | InvalidParameter.KMSKeyId.CMKNotEnabled | The CMK needs to be enabled. | The customer master key (CMK) is not enabled when KMSKeyId is specified for an encrypted disk. You can call the DescribeKey operation of KMS to query information about the specified CMK. |
403 | InvalidParameter.KMSKeyId.CMKUnauthorized | The CMK needs to be added ECS tag. | - |
403 | InvalidParameter.KMSKeyId.KMSUnauthorized | ECS service have no right to access your KMS. | ECS is not authorized to access your KMS resources. |
403 | SecurityRisk.3DVerification | We have detected a security risk with your default credit or debit card. Please proceed with verification via the link in your email. | - |
403 | InvalidParameter.AdvancedFeatures | The specified parameter AdvancedFeatures is not valid. | - |
403 | UserNotInTheWhiteList | The user is not in Arns white list. | The user is not in the Arn related parameter action list. |
403 | InvalidInstanceChargeType.ValueNotSupported | The InstanceChargeType does not support this action. | - |
403 | InvalidStatus.Upgrading | The instance is upgrading; please try again later. | The instance is being upgraded. Try again later. |
403 | InvalidParam.ZoneIdAndInstanceId.Conflict | The specified parameter 'ZoneId' and 'InstanceId' are not blank at the same time. | - |
403 | OperationDenied.PerformanceLevelNotMatch | The specified PerformanceLevel and Size do not match. | - |
403 | InvalidStorageSetName.Malformed | Specified parameter StorageSetName is not valid. | - |
403 | InvalidDescription.Malformed | Specified parameter Description is not valid. | - |
403 | InvalidMaxPartitionNumber.Malformed | Specified parameter MaxPartitionNumber is not valid. | - |
403 | InvalidParameter.StorageSetPartitionNumber | Specified parameter StorageSetPartitionNumber is not valid. | - |
403 | InvalidParameter.StorageSetId | Specified parameter StorageSetId is not valid. | - |
403 | InvalidParameter.StorageSetZoneId | Specified parameter StorageSetZoneId is not valid. | - |
403 | QuotaExceed.Tags | %s | The number of specified tags exceeds the upper limit. %s is a variable. An error message is dynamically returned based on call conditions. |
403 | QuotaExceeded.PostpaidDataDiskCapacity | The quota of postpaid data disk capacity exceeds. | The used capacity of the pay-as-you-go disk reaches the quota limit. |
403 | InvalidRegionId.NotSupportEncryptAlgorithm | The current region does not support creating encrypted disks with EncryptAlgorithm. | - |
403 | InvalidDiskSize.TooSmall | Specified disk size is too small when choosing PL0 of cloud_essd. | - |
403 | OperationDenied.SnapshotNotAllowed | The specified snapshot is not allowed to create disk. | The specified snapshot cannot be used to create disks. |
403 | LastTokenProcessing | The last token request is processing. | A token request is being processed. Try again later. |
403 | InvalidParameter.MultiAttach | The specified param MultiAttach is not valid. | The specified MultiAttach parameter is invalid. |
403 | InvalidParameter.MultiAttachAndInstanceIdConflict | The parameter MultiAttach and InstanceId are conflict. | The MultiAttach and InstanceId parameters cannot be both specified. |
403 | InvalidParameter.DiskCategoryAndMultiAttachConflict | The specified disk category does not support multi attach set. | The MultiAttach parameter is not supported by Shared Block Storage devices. |
403 | InvalidParameter.DiskCategoryAndMultiAttachNotMatch | The specified disk category does not support multi attach enabled. | The specified disk category does not support the multi-attach feature. |
403 | OperationDenied.ZoneNotSupportMultiAttachDisk | The specified zone does support multi attach disk. | Disks for which the multi-attach feature is enabled cannot be created in the specified zone. |
403 | UserNotInTheWhiteList | User is not in multi attach disk white list, apply through the work order. | - |
403 | InvalidAccountStatus.CouponAmountNotEnough | Your coupon balance is insufficient or has expired. | Your coupon balance is insufficient or your coupons have expired. |
403 | InvalidOperation.CreateFromSnapshotUnsupported | The elastic ephemeral disk cannot be created from snapshot. | The elastic ephemeral disk cannot be created from snapshot. |
403 | NotSupportSnapshotEncrypted.DiskCategory | The specified disk category does not support creating encrypted system disks or creating encrypted data disks from snapshots. Check the DiskCategory or Encrypted parameter, or check your account for default encryption settings. | This disk type does not support creating encrypted system disks or creating encrypted data disks in snapshot mode. Please check the disk type and encryption parameters you entered, or check whether you have configured the default encryption configuration for account cloud disks. |
403 | InvalidEncrypted.DefaultEncryptionUnsupported | The specified parameter Encrypted must be true when default encryption is enabled. | After the cloud disk is encrypted by default, the newly purchased cloud disk must be an encrypted cloud disk. |
403 | InvalidDiskCategory.ValueUnauthorized | The specified DiskCategory is not authorized. | The disk type is unauthorized. |
404 | InvalidRegionId.NotFound | The specified RegionId does not exist. | The specified region ID does not exist. |
404 | InvalidZoneId.NotFound | The specified zone does not exist. | The specified zone ID does not exist. |
404 | InvalidSnapshotId.NotFound | The specified SnapshotId does not exist. | The specified snapshot ID does not exist. |
404 | InvalidResourceGroup.NotFound | The ResourceGroup provided does not exist in our records. | The specified resource group does not exist. |
404 | InvalidRegionId.NotFound | The RegionId provided does not exist in our records. | The RegionId provided does not exist |
404 | InvalidParameter.KMSKeyId.NotFound | The specified KMSKeyId does not exist. | The specified KMSKeyId parameter does not exist. |
404 | InvalidInstanceId.NotFound | The InstanceId provided does not exist in our records. | The specified instance does not exist. Check whether the instance ID is correct. |
404 | InvalidInstanceId.NotFound | The specified InstanceId does not exist. | The specified instance does not exist. |
404 | InvalidStorageClusterId.NotExist | The specified StorageClusterId does not exist in current region. | - |
500 | InternalError | The request processing has failed due to some unknown error. | An internal error has occurred. Try again later. |
500 | InvalidParameter.DataEncryptedKeyCreateFailed | Create kms data encrypted key fail. If you need further assistance, you can contact the KMS Technical Support. | Failed to create a data key using the KMS master key. Please contact the KMS attendant for further troubleshooting. |
500 | InternalError | The request processing has failed due to some unknown error, exception or failure. | An internal error has occurred. Try again later. |
For a list of error codes, visit the Service error codes.
Change history
Change time | Summary of changes | Operation |
2025-01-17 | The Error code has changed | View Change Details |
2024-12-30 | API Description Update. The API operation is not deprecated.. The Error code has changed | View Change Details |
2024-12-09 | The Error code has changed | View Change Details |
2024-07-12 | The Error code has changed | View Change Details |
2024-06-27 | The Error code has changed | View Change Details |
2024-05-08 | The Error code has changed | View Change Details |
2024-03-21 | The Error code has changed | View Change Details |
2024-01-15 | The Error code has changed | View Change Details |
2023-11-24 | The Error code has changed | View Change Details |
2023-11-21 | The Error code has changed | View Change Details |
2023-10-09 | The Error code has changed | View Change Details |
2023-08-29 | The Error code has changed | View Change Details |
2023-08-02 | The Error code has changed | View Change Details |
2023-06-28 | The Error code has changed | View Change Details |
2021-11-29 | The Error code has changed | View Change Details |