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最終更新日:Dec 08, 2023

Queries the monitoring data of a secondary elastic network interface (ENI) over a specific period of time.

Usage notes

The monitoring data includes traffic sent and received over the internal network, the number of packets sent and received by the secondary ENI, and the number of dropped packets sent and received by the secondary ENI. Specific information may be missing from the returned monitoring data. This is because the system cannot obtain the relevant information. For example, if the instance to which the secondary ENI is bound is in the Stopped state, or if the secondary ENI is not bound to an instance and is in the Available state, the monitoring data of the secondary ENI cannot be obtained. Take note of the following items:

  • Up to 400 entries of monitoring data can be returned at a time. If the result of the (EndTime - StartTime)/Period formula is greater than 400, an error is returned.
  • Only the monitoring data within the last 30 days can be queried. If the value of StartTime is more than 30 days earlier than the time when you call this operation, an error is returned.


OpenAPI Explorer automatically calculates the signature value. For your convenience, we recommend that you call this operation in OpenAPI Explorer. OpenAPI Explorer dynamically generates the sample code of the operation for different SDKs.

Request parameters






Action String Yes DescribeEniMonitorData

The operation that you want to perform. Set the value to DescribeEniMonitorData.

EniId String No eni-bp19da36d6xdwey****

The secondary ENI ID. By default, all secondary ENIs that are bound to the specified instance are queried.

RegionId String Yes cn-hangzhou

The region ID of the secondary ENI. You can call the DescribeRegions operation to query the most recent region list.

InstanceId String Yes i-bp1a5zr3u7nq9cx****

The ID of the instance to which the secondary ENI is bound.

StartTime String Yes 2018-05-21T12:19:00Z

The beginning of the time range to query. Specify the time in the ISO 8601 standard in the yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ format. The time must be in UTC. If the value of seconds (ss) is not 00, the time is rounded up to the next minute.

EndTime String Yes 2018-05-21T12:22:00Z

The end of the time range to query. Specify the time in the ISO 8601 standard in the yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ format. The time must be in UTC. If the value of seconds (ss) is not 00, the time is rounded up to the next minute.

Period Integer No 60

The interval at which to retrieve the monitoring data. Unit: seconds. Valid values:

  • 60
  • 600
  • 3600

Default value: 60.

Response parameters





TotalCount Integer 4

The total number of returned entries.

RequestId String 473469C7-AA6F-4DC5-B3DB-A3DC0DE3C83E

The ID of the request.

MonitorData Array of EniMonitorData

The monitoring data of the secondary ENI.

PacketRx String 0

The number of packets received by the secondary ENI over the internal network.

TimeStamp String 2018-05-21T03:22:00Z

The timestamp of the monitoring data. The time follows the ISO 8601 standard in the yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ format. The time is displayed in UTC.

DropPacketRx String 0

The number of dropped packets received by the secondary ENI over the internal network.

EniId String eni-bp19da36d6xdwey****

The ID of the secondary ENI.

DropPacketTx String 0

The number of dropped packets sent by the secondary ENI over the internal network.

PacketTx String 0

The number of packets sent by the secondary ENI over the internal network.

IntranetTx String 0

The average rate at which the secondary ENI sends data over the internal network. Unit: KB/s.

IntranetRx String 0

The average rate at which the secondary ENI receives data over the internal network. Unit: KB/s.


Sample requests
&<Common request parameters>

Sample success responses

XML format

HTTP/1.1 200 OK


JSON format

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

  "RequestId" : "5A03C2BA-3BCE-4A87-8076-7DC1629",
  "MonitorData" : {
    "EniMonitorData" : [ {
      "PacketTx" : 0,
      "TimeStamp" : "2018-05-21T03:22:00Z",
      "IntranetOut" : 0,
      "DropPacketRx" : 0,
      "IntranetIn" : 0,
      "EniId" : "eni-bp19da36d6xdwey4****",
      "DropPacketTx" : 0,
      "PacketRx" : 0
    }, {
      "PacketTx" : 0,
      "TimeStamp" : "2018-05-21T03:21:00Z",
      "IntranetOut" : 0,
      "DropPacketRx" : 0,
      "IntranetIn" : 0,
      "EniId" : "eni-bp19da36d6xdwey3****",
      "DropPacketTx" : 0,
      "PacketRx" : 0
    }, {
      "PacketTx" : 52240,
      "TimeStamp" : "2018-05-21T03:19:00Z",
      "IntranetOut" : 73344,
      "DropPacketRx" : 0,
      "IntranetIn" : 467,
      "EniId" : "eni-bp19da36d6xdwey2****",
      "DropPacketTx" : 0,
      "PacketRx" : 6603
    }, {
      "PacketTx" : 34925,
      "TimeStamp" : "2018-05-21T03:20:00Z",
      "IntranetOut" : 48871,
      "DropPacketRx" : 0,
      "IntranetIn" : 350,
      "EniId" : "eni-bp19da36d6xdwey1****",
      "DropPacketTx" : 0,
      "PacketRx" : 4888
    } ]

Error codes

HTTP status code

Error code

Error message


403 InvalidEndTime.Malformed The specified parameter "EndTime" is not valid. Invalid EndTime value.
403 InvalidParameter.TooManyDataQueried Too many data queried. The maximum amount of monitoring data that can be queried is exceeded.
403 Throttling Request was denied due to request throttling. The request is denied due to throttling.
403 InvalidInstanceType.NotSupportCredit The InstanceType of the specified instance does not support credit. The instance type does not support burstable instances.
403 InvalidParameter.EndTime The specified parameter EndTime is earlier than StartTime. The end time cannot be earlier than the start time.
404 InvalidDiskId.NotFound The DiskId provided does not exist in our records. The specified disk is not found. Check whether the disk ID is valid.

For a list of error codes, see Service error codes.