このトピックでは、Alibaba Cloud Image Search SDKs for PHP の使用方法について説明します。


  • Alibaba Cloud SDK をインストールして使用する前に、Alibaba Cloud アカウントを作成し、AccessKey ペアを取得していることを確認してください。 詳細については、「AccessKey ペアの作成」をご参照ください。
  • Alibaba Cloud Image Search SDK for PHPをダウンロードします。


<? php
    // Reference the SDK package that you download.
    require_once "./aliyun-php-sdk-core/Config.php";
    use ImageSearch\Request\V20190325\AddImageRequest;
    use ImageSearch\Request\V20190325\SearchImageRequest;
    use ImageSearch\Request\V20190325\DeleteImageRequest;
    DefaultProfile::addEndPoint("<region>", "<region>", "ImageSearch", "imagesearch.<region>.aliyuncs.com");
    $profile = DefaultProfile::getProfile("<region>", "<your-access-key-id>", "<your-access-key-secret>");
    $client = new DefaultAcsClient($profile);
    // Add the image.
    $addRequest = new AddImageRequest();
    $content = file_get_contents("/home/admin/demo.jpg");
    $encodePicContent = base64_encode($content);
    // Optional. Specifies whether to recognize the subject in the image and search for images based on the recognized subject. The default value is true.
    // 1. true: The system recognizes the subject in the image, and searches for images based on the recognized subject. You can obtain the recognition result in the response.
    // 2. false: The system does not recognize the subject of the image, and searches for images based on the entire image.
    // Optional. The subject area in the image. The subject area is in the format of x1,x2,y1,y2. x1 and y1 represent the upper-left corner pixel. x2 and y2 represent the lower-right pixel.
    // If you specify the Region parameter, the system searches for images based on this parameter setting regardless of the value of the Crop parameter.
    // $ addRequest-> setRegion( "100 、300 、100 、300 "); 
    try {
        $addResponse = $client->getAcsResponse($addRequest);
    } catch(ServerException $e) {
        print "Error: " . $e->getErrorCode() . " Message: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n";
    } catch(ClientException $e) {
        print "Error: " . $e->getErrorCode() . " Message: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n";
    // Search for images.
    $searchRequest = new SearchImageRequest();
    try {
        $response = $client->getAcsResponse($request);
    } catch(ServerException $e) {
        print "Error: " . $e->getErrorCode() . " Message: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n";
    } catch(ClientException $e) {
        print "Error: " . $e->getErrorCode() . " Message: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n";
    // Delete the image. 
    $deleteRequest = new DeleteImageRequest();
    try {
        $deleteResponse = $client->getAcsResponse($deleteRequest);
    } catch(ServerException $e) {
        print "Error: " . $e->getErrorCode() . " Message: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n";
    } catch(ClientException $e) {
        print "Error: " . $e->getErrorCode() . " Message: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n";