You can manage Alibaba Cloud database instances or self-managed databases that are connected to Database Autonomy Service (DAS). A database instance connected to DAS can be in one of the following status.

State Description
Unauthorized No database account, password, or permission is configured for the database instance. For more information, see Connect an Alibaba Cloud database instance to DAS.
Authorized and Authenticating The information of the instance, such as the database account, password, and permissions, is being authenticated.
Authentication Failed The authentication failed because the account does not exist or the password is incorrect. For more information, see FAQ about instance connection to DAS.
Insufficient Permissions The database account for the instance does not have the least required permissions. For more information, see Permissions.
Connection Failed The connection failed due to the abnormal network connection or instance failure.
Abnormal Monitoring The DAS database gateway (DBGateway) is abnormal. For more information, see FAQ about DBGateway.
Accessed The instance is connected to DAS. You can use features such as cluster management, instance monitoring, and alerting. For more information, see Features.