• If the version of your PolarDB-X 1.0 instance is V5.4.7-16000638 or later, you can change shard key values in the following scenarios:
    • An UPDATE statement can be executed to update the shard key field in a logical table.
    • The value of a shard key or a unique key in a VALUES clause can be left blank or the specified value is DEFAULT.
    • INSERT ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE can be executed to change the value of a primary key, unique key, or shard key.
  • If the version of your PolarDB-X 1.0 instance is earlier than V5.4.7-16000638, the shard keys that have been created for sharding cannot be changed. If you need to change the shard key for a table, you can use the following temporary method:
    • Select a new database shard key and create a table.
    • Import the data of the original table to the created table.