This topic describes how to select the series type and specifications of a Tair instance. This topic also helps you learn how to create, connect to, develop, and manage a Tair instance.

Select a series type and specifications

Before you create a Tair instance, you must select a series type and specifications based on factors such as performance, price, and workload. For more information, see Overview.

Use a Tair instance

Step Description
Step 1: Create a Tair instance Tair provides multiple types and architectures to meet different requirements. You can refer to the relevant topics to create a Tair instance.
Step 2: Configure whitelists Before you use a Tair instance, you must add the IP addresses of the clients that are used to access the Tair instance to a whitelist of the instance.
Step 3: Connect to a Tair instance You can use Data Management (DMS), a Redis client, or the redis-cli tool to connect to a Tair instance.
Step 4: Develop and manage a Tair instance
  • You can use the Tair console, API operations, or Tair SDKs to manage a Tair instance.
  • To make full use of a Tair instance, you can follow the standards for business deployment, key design, SDK usage, command usage, and O&M management. For more information, see Development and O&M standards for Tair.