You can use range query to query data that falls within a specified range. If the type of a field is TEXT, Tablestore tokenizes the string and matches any of the tokens that fall within the specified range.


  • The TableStoreClient is initialized. For more information, see Initialization.
  • A data table is created. Data is written to the table.
  • A search index is created for the data table. For more information, see Create search indexes.


TableNameThe name of the table.
IndexNameThe name of the search index.
QueryThe query type. To use range query, set this parameter to RangeQuery.
FieldNameThe name of the field used to match the query conditions.
FromThe value from which the query starts.

You can use GT or GTE to specify a range. GT indicates that the values within the range are greater than the specified value. GTE indicates that the values within the range are greater than or equal to the specified value.

ToThe value with which the query ends.

You can use LT or LTE to specify a range. LT indicates that the values within the range are smaller than the specified value. LTE indicates that the values within the range are smaller than or equal to the specified value.

IncludeLowerSpecifies whether to include the value of the From parameter in the response. The value type is Boolean.
IncludeUpperSpecifies whether to include the value of the To parameter in the response. The value type is Boolean.
SortThe sorting method. The returned rows are sorted based on the specified method. For more information, see Sorting and paging.
ColumnsToGetSpecifies whether to return all columns of each matched row. You can configure ReturnAll and Columns for this parameter.

By default, ReturnAll is set to false, which indicates that not all columns are returned. If ReturnAll is set to false, you can configure Columns to specify the columns to return. If you do not specify the columns to return, only the primary key columns are returned.

If ReturnAll is set to true, all columns are returned.


 * Search the table for rows where the value in Col_Long is greater than 3. Tablestore sorts the matched rows based on the values of Col_Long in descending order.
func RangeQuery(client *tablestore.TableStoreClient, tableName string, indexName string) {
    searchRequest := &tablestore.SearchRequest{}
    searchQuery := search.NewSearchQuery()
    rangeQuery := &search.RangeQuery{} // Set the query type to RangeQuery.
    rangeQuery.FieldName = "Col_Long" // Set the field used to match the query conditions.
    rangeQuery.GT(3) // Specify the range of the field value, which is greater than 3.
    // Sort the query results based on the values of Col_Long in descending order.
                FieldName: "Col_Long",
                Order:     search.SortOrder_DESC.Enum(),
    searchResponse, err := client.Search(searchRequest)
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Printf("%#v", err)
    fmt.Println("IsAllSuccess: ", searchResponse.IsAllSuccess) // Check whether all data is returned.
    fmt.Println("RowCount: ", len(searchResponse.Rows))
    for _, row := range searchResponse.Rows {
        jsonBody, err := json.Marshal(row)
        if err != nil {
        fmt.Println("Row: ", string(jsonBody))