Retrieves the time series metadata from a time series table.

Request syntax

message QueryTimeseriesMetaRequest {
  required string table_name = 1;
  optional MetaQueryCondition condition = 2;
  optional bool get_total_hit = 3;
  optional bytes token = 4;
  optional int32 limit = 5;
Parameter Type Required Description
table_name string Yes The name of the time series table.
condition MetaQueryCondition No The condition that is used to retrieve the time series metadata.
get_total_hit bool No Specifies whether to return the total number of rows that meet the specified retrieval condition.
token bytes No The token that is used to read the remaining data.
limit int32 No The maximum number of rows that you want to return.

Response syntax

message QueryTimeseriesMetaResponse {
  repeated TimeseriesMeta timeseries_metas = 1;
  optional int64 total_hit = 2;
  optional bytes next_token = 3;
Parameter Type Description
timeseries_metas TimeseriesMeta The list of time series metadata.
total_hit int64 The total number of rows that meet the specified retrieval condition.
next_token bytes The token that is used to read the remaining data.

Use Tablestore SDKs

You can use the following Tablestore SDKs to retrieve the time series metadata from a time series table: