This topic describes the limits on the TimeSeries model.

Item Limit
Name of a time series table The name of a time series table must be 1 to 128 bytes in size, and can contain letters, digits, and underscores (_). The name cannot start with a digit.
Name of a column in a time series table The name of a column in a time series table must be 1 to 128 bytes in size, and can contain lowercase letters, digits, and underscores (_). The name cannot contain _m_name, _data_source, _tags, _time, _meta_update_time, or _attributes. The name cannot start with a digit.

Measurement name A measurement name must be a UTF-8-encoded string that is 1 to 128 bytes in size. The name cannot contain number signs (#) or non-printable characters such as spaces.
Data source A data source must be a UTF-8-encoded string that is 0 to 256 bytes in size.
Tags The tags must be in the ["k1=v1","k2=v2"] format. Each tag consists of a key and a value that are connected by an equal sign (=).

The tag key must contain only printable ASCII characters. The tag value can be a UTF-8-encoded string. Both the tag key and tag value cannot contain double quotation marks (") or equal signs (=). The tags cannot exceed 512 bytes in size.

Time column The value of a time column must be greater than or equal to 0. Unit: microseconds.
Maximum number of columns that can be written at a time You can write up to 1,024 attribute columns in a single row to a time series table at a time.
Maximum number of rows that can be written at a time You can write up to 200 rows to a time series table at a time.
Maximum size of data that can be written to a time series table at a time You can write up to 4 MB of data to a time series table at a time.
Size of the value in a column of the STRING type The size of the value in a column of the STRING type cannot exceed 2 MB.
Size of the value in a column of the BINARY type The size of the value in a column of the BINARY type cannot exceed 2 MB.