Match phrase query is similar to match query, except match phrase query evaluates the positions of tokens. A row meets the query condition only when the order and positions of the tokens in the row match the order and positions of the tokens that are contained in the keyword. If the tokenization method for the column that you want to query is fuzzy tokenization, match phrase query is performed at a lower latency than wildcard query.

For example, the value in the column is "Hangzhou West Lake Scenic Area" and the keyword you specify in Query is "Hangzhou Scenic Area". Tablestore returns the row when you use match query. However, when you use match phrase query, Tablestore does not return the row. The distance between "Hangzhou" and "Scenic Area" in Query is 0, but the distance in the column of this row is 2 because the two words "West" and "Lake" exist between "Hangzhou" and "Scenic Area".

API operation

You can call the Search or ParallelScan operation and set the query type to MatchPhraseQuery to perform a match phrase query.


You can use the following Tablestore SDKs to perform a match phrase query:


Parameter Description
fieldName The name of the column that you want to query.

Match phrase query applies to TEXT columns.

text The keyword that is used to match the column values when you perform a match phrase query.

If the column to query is a TEXT column, the keyword is tokenized into multiple tokens based on the analyzer that you specify when you create the search index. By default, single-word tokenization is performed if you do not set the analyzer when you create the search index.

For example, if you query the phrase "this is", "..., this is tablestore" and "this is a table" are returned. "this table is ..." and "is this a table" are not returned.

query The query type, which is set to matchPhraseQuery.
offset The position from which the current query starts.
limit The maximum number of rows that you want the current query to return.

To query only the number of matched rows without returning specific data, you can set limit to 0. This way, Tablestore returns the number of matched rows instead of specific data from the table.

getTotalCount Specifies whether to return the total number of rows that match the query conditions. By default, the value of this parameter is false, which specifies that the total number of rows that match the query conditions is not returned.

If you set this parameter to true, the query performance is compromised.

tableName The name of the data table.
indexName The name of the search index.
columnsToGet Specifies whether to return all columns of each matched row. You can configure returnAll and columns for this parameter.

By default, the value of returnAll is false, which specifies that not all columns are returned. If returnAll is set to false, you can use columns to specify the columns that you want to return. If you do not specify the columns that you want to return, only the primary key columns are returned.

If returnAll is set to true, all columns are returned.


 * Search the table for rows in which the value of the Col_Text column matches the whole phase "hangzhou shanghai" in order. Tablestore returns part of the matched rows and the number of rows that match the phrase in this query. 
 * @param client
private static void matchPhraseQuery(SyncClient client) {
    SearchQuery searchQuery = new SearchQuery();
    MatchPhraseQuery matchPhraseQuery = new MatchPhraseQuery(); // Set the query type to MatchPhraseQuery. 
    matchPhraseQuery.setFieldName("Col_Text"); // Specify the name of the column to query. 
    matchPhraseQuery.setText("hangzhou shanghai"); // Specify the keyword that you want to match. 
    searchQuery.setOffset(0); // Set offset to 0. 
    searchQuery.setLimit(20); // Set limit to 20 to return up to 20 rows. 
    //searchQuery.setGetTotalCount(true); // Specify that the total number of matched rows is returned. 

    SearchRequest searchRequest = new SearchRequest("sampleTable", "sampleSearchIndex", searchQuery); 
    // You can configure the columnsToGet parameter to specify the columns that you want to return or specify that all columns are returned. If you do not configure this parameter, only the primary key columns are returned. 
    //SearchRequest.ColumnsToGet columnsToGet = new SearchRequest.ColumnsToGet();
    //columnsToGet.setReturnAll(true); // Set ReturnAll to true to return all columns. 
    //columnsToGet.setColumns(Arrays.asList("ColName1","ColName2")); // Set Columns to return specified columns. 

    SearchResponse resp =;
    //System.out.println("TotalCount: " + resp.getTotalCount()); // Specify that the total number of matched rows instead of the number of returned rows is displayed. 
    System.out.println("Row: " + resp.getRows());