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Simple Log Service:List of operations by function

Last Updated:Jan 24, 2025
This product(Sls/2020-12-30) OpenAPI adopts ROA Signature style. See signature details in Description of the signature mechanism. We have packaged SDKs for common programming languages for developers. Developers can directly call the OpenAPI of this product by downloading the SDK without paying attention to the technical details. If the existing SDK cannot meet the usage requirements, you can connect through the signature mechanism. It will take about 5 working days. Therefore, it is recommended to join our DingTalk service group (78410016550) and sign under the guidance of experts.
Before using the API, you need to prepare your identity account and access key (AccessKey) to effectively access the API through client tools (SDK, CLI, etc.). For details see getAccessKey.


CreateProjectCreateProjectCreates a project.
CreateDomainCreateDomainBinds a new custom domain name to a project.
CreateLoggingCreateLoggingEnables the service log feature for a project.
DeleteProjectDeleteProjectDeletes a project.
DeleteDomainDeleteDomainDeletes a custom domain name that is bound to a project.
UpdateProjectUpdateProjectUpdates a project.
UpdateLoggingUpdateLoggingUpdates the service log configurations of a project.
GetProjectGetProjectQueries the details of a project.
ListProjectListProjectQueries the projects that meet specified conditions.
GetProjectLogsGetProjectLogsQueries logs in a project. You can use this operation to query logs at the project level.
GetLoggingGetLoggingQueries the service log configuration of a project.
ListDomainsListDomainsQueries the custom domain names that are bound to projects.


CreateLogStoreCreateLogStoreCreates a Logstore.
CreateIndexCreateIndexCreates indexes for a Logstore.
DeleteLogStoreDeleteLogStoreDeletes a Logstore, including all shards and indexes in the Logstore.
DeleteIndexDeleteIndexDeletes an index of a Logstore.
PutWebtrackingPutWebtrackingSends multiple logs to Simple Log Service in one request.
UpdateLogStoreUpdateLogStoreUpdates the attributes of a Logstore.
UpdateIndexUpdateIndexUpdates the indexes of a Logstore.
SplitShardSplitShardSplits a shard in the readwrite state.
UpdateLogStoreMeteringModeUpdateLogStoreMeteringModeChanges the billing mode of a Logstore.
ListLogStoresListLogStoresQueries all Logstores or Logstores that match specific conditions in a project.
GetLogStoreGetLogStoreQueries the details of a Logstore.
GetIndexGetIndexQueries the index of a Logstore.
ListShardsListShardsQueries a list of shards in a Logstore.
GetLogsGetLogsQueries the logs of a Logstore in a project.
UpdateLogStoreEncryptionUpdateLogStoreEncryptionUpdates the encryption configuration of a Logstore. You can create encryption configurations for the Logstore and enable or disable the encryption feature.
GetCursorGetCursorQueries a cursor based on a point in time.
GetContextLogsGetContextLogsQueries the contextual logs of a specified log.
GetHistogramsGetHistogramsQueries the distribution of logs that meet the specified search conditions in a Logstore.
GetCursorTimeGetCursorTimeQueries the server time of a cursor.
GetLogsV2GetLogsV2Queries the raw log data in a Logstore of a project. The returned result contains the raw log data within a specific time range. The returned result is compressed before transmission.
PullLogsPullLogsQueries logs based on the specified cursors. You can call this operation to obtain raw logs. To query and analyze logs, you can call the GetLogsV2 operation.
PutLogsPutLogsWrites logs to a Logstore.
GetLogStoreMeteringModeGetLogStoreMeteringModeQueries the billing mode of a Logstore.


ListMetricStoresListMetricStoresQueries the list of Metricstores in a project. You can use fuzzy search to query the Metricstores by Metricstore name.
CreateMetricStoreCreateMetricStoreCreates a Metricstore to store metric data.
DeleteMetricStoreDeleteMetricStoreDeletes an existing Metricstore. When you delete a Metricstore, the metric data stored in the Metricstore and associated resources such as associated collection settings and transformation settings are also deleted.
UpdateMetricStoreUpdateMetricStoreUpdates the settings of an existing Metricstore. Metricstores are used to store metric data.
GetMetricStoreGetMetricStoreQueries a Metricstore.
GetMetricStoreMeteringModeGetMetricStoreMeteringModeQueries the billing mode of a Metricstore.


CreateStoreViewCreateStoreViewCreates a dataset.
DeleteStoreViewDeleteStoreViewDeletes a dataset by using the name of the dataset.
UpdateStoreViewUpdateStoreViewUpdates the configurations of a dataset.
GetStoreViewGetStoreViewQueries the configurations of a dataset by using the name of the dataset.
GetStoreViewIndexGetStoreViewIndexQueries the indexes of a dataset by using the name of the dataset. Only datasets of the logstore type are supported.
ListStoreViewsListStoreViewsQueries datasets in a project.

Machine Group

CreateMachineGroupCreateMachineGroupCreates a machine group.
DeleteMachineGroupDeleteMachineGroupDeletes a machine group. If the Logtail configurations for log collection are applied to a machine group, the configurations are disassociated from the machine group after the machine group is deleted.
RemoveConfigFromMachineGroupRemoveConfigFromMachineGroupRemoves a Logtail configuration from a machine group.
ApplyConfigToMachineGroupApplyConfigToMachineGroupApplies a Logtail configuration to a machine group.
UpdateMachineGroupUpdateMachineGroupModifies the configuration of a machine group.
UpdateMachineGroupMachineUpdateMachineGroupMachineModifies the machines in a machine group. You can add machine to or remove machines from the machine group.
ListMachineGroupListMachineGroupQueries the machine groups of a project.
ListMachinesListMachinesQueries a list of machines that are connected to Simple Log Service in a specified machine group.
GetMachineGroupGetMachineGroupQueries the details of a machine group.
GetAppliedConfigsGetAppliedConfigsQueries the Logtail configurations that are applied to a machine group.
GetAppliedMachineGroupsGetAppliedMachineGroupsQueries the machine groups to which a Logtail configuration is bound.

Logtail Configuration

CreateConfigCreateConfigCreates a Logtail configuration.
CreateLogtailPipelineConfigCreateLogtailPipelineConfigCreates a Logtail pipeline configuration.
DeleteConfigDeleteConfigDeletes a Logtail configuration.
DeleteLogtailPipelineConfigDeleteLogtailPipelineConfigDeletes a Logtail pipeline configuration.
UpdateConfigUpdateConfigModifies a Logtail configuration.
UpdateLogtailPipelineConfigUpdateLogtailPipelineConfigUpdates a Logtail pipeline configuration.
GetConfigGetConfigQueries the details of a Logtail configuration.
ListConfigListConfigQueries all Logtail configurations in a project.
GetLogtailPipelineConfigGetLogtailPipelineConfigQueries the information about a Logtail pipeline configuration.
ListLogtailPipelineConfigListLogtailPipelineConfigQueries a list of Logtail pipeline configurations that meet the specified conditions.


CreateDashboardCreateDashboardCreates a dashboard.
DeleteDashboardDeleteDashboardDeletes a dashboard.
UpdateDashboardUpdateDashboardUpdates a dashboard.
GetDashboardGetDashboardQueries a dashboard.
ListDashboardListDashboardQueries a list of dashboards.

Consumer Group

CreateConsumerGroupCreateConsumerGroupCreates a consumer group for a Logstore.
DeleteConsumerGroupDeleteConsumerGroupDeletes a consumer group.
ConsumerGroupUpdateCheckPointConsumerGroupUpdateCheckPointUpdates the checkpoint of a shard for a consumer group.
UpdateConsumerGroupUpdateConsumerGroupUpdates the attributes of a consumer group.
ConsumerGroupHeartBeatConsumerGroupHeartBeatSends heartbeats to a server from a consumer.
ListConsumerGroupListConsumerGroupQueries all consumer groups of a Logstore.
GetCheckPointGetCheckPointQueries the checkpoints of a shard from which data is consumed by a consumer group.

External Storage

CreateOssExternalStoreCreateOssExternalStoreCreates an Object Storage Service (OSS) external store.
CreateRdsExternalStoreCreateRdsExternalStoreCreates an ApsaraDB RDS external store.
DeleteExternalStoreDeleteExternalStoreDeletes an external storage configuration.
UpdateRdsExternalStoreUpdateRdsExternalStoreUpdates an ApsaraDB RDS external store.
UpdateOssExternalStoreUpdateOssExternalStoreUpdates an Object Storage Service (OSS) external store.
GetExternalStoreGetExternalStoreQueries the details of an external store.

Saved Search

CreateSavedSearchCreateSavedSearchCreates a saved search.
DeleteSavedSearchDeleteSavedSearchDeletes a saved search.
UpdateSavedSearchUpdateSavedSearchUpdates a saved search.
ListSavedSearchListSavedSearchQueries a list of saved searches.
GetSavedSearchGetSavedSearchQueries a saved search.


CreateAlertCreateAlertCreates an alert rule in a project.
DeleteAlertDeleteAlertDeletes an alert rule.
UpdateAlertUpdateAlertUpdates an alert rule.
EnableAlertEnableAlertEnables an alert rule.
DisableAlertDisableAlertDisables an alert rule.
GetAlertGetAlertQueries the information about an alert rule.
ListAlertsListAlertsQueries a list of alert rules in a project.

Data Import

ListOSSIngestionsListOSSIngestionsQueries a list of Object Storage Service (OSS) data import jobs in a project.

Log Export

CreateOSSExportCreateOSSExportShips logs from a Simple Log Service Logstore to an Object Storage Service (OSS) bucket.
CreateOSSHDFSExportCreateOSSHDFSExportCreates an OSS-HDFS data shipping job in a project.
DeleteOSSHDFSExportDeleteOSSHDFSExportDeletes an OSS-HDFS data shipping job.
UpdateOSSExportUpdateOSSExportUpdates an Object Storage Service (OSS) data shipping job.
StartOSSExportStartOSSExportStarts an Object Storage Service (OSS) data shipping job.
StopOSSExportStopOSSExportStops an Object Storage Service (OSS) data shipping job.
GetOSSExportGetOSSExportQueries the information about an Object Storage Service (OSS) data shipping job.
UpdateOSSHDFSExportUpdateOSSHDFSExportUpdates an OSS-HDFS data shipping job.
StartOSSHDFSExportStartOSSHDFSExportStarts an OSS-HDFS data shipping job.
StopOSSHDFSExportStopOSSHDFSExportStops an OSS-HDFS data shipping job.
GetOSSHDFSExportGetOSSHDFSExportQueries the information about an OSS-HDFS data shipping job.

Scheduled SQL

EnableScheduledSQLEnableScheduledSQLEnables the Scheduled SQL feature.
ListScheduledSQLsListScheduledSQLsQueries a list of Scheduled SQL jobs in a project.

Machine Learning

PutAnnotationDataPutAnnotationDataAdds data to a dataset for storage.
CreateAnnotationDataSetCreateAnnotationDataSetCreates a dataset.
DeleteAnnotationLabelDeleteAnnotationLabelDeletes a tag table.
DeleteAnnotationDataDeleteAnnotationDataRemoves data from a dataset.
DeleteAnnotationDataSetDeleteAnnotationDataSetDeletes a dataset.
UpdateAnnotationLabelUpdateAnnotationLabelUpdates a tag table.
UpdateAnnotationDataSetUpdateAnnotationDataSetUpdates a dataset.
GetAnnotationLabelGetAnnotationLabelQueries a tag table by using a label ID.
ListAnnotationLabelsListAnnotationLabelsQueries a list of tag tables.
GetAnnotationDataGetAnnotationDataQueries data in datasets based on the unique identifier of the data.
ListAnnotationDataListAnnotationDataQueries data in datasets.
GetAnnotationDataSetGetAnnotationDataSetQueries a dataset.
ListAnnotationDataSetsListAnnotationDataSetsQueries a list of datasets.


TagResourcesTagResourcesCreates and adds tags to a resource. You can add tags only to projects.
UntagResourcesUntagResourcesDetaches one or more tags from a resource. You can detach tags only from Simple Log Service projects. You can detach multiple or all tags from a Simple Log Service project at a time.
ListTagResourcesListTagResourcesQueries a list of tags for one or more resources. You can query tags for resources by resource type or filter resources by tag. Each tag is a key-value pair.

Authorization Policy

PutProjectPolicyPutProjectPolicyCreates a project policy.
DeleteProjectPolicyDeleteProjectPolicyDeletes a project policy.
GetProjectPolicyGetProjectPolicyQueries a project policy.

Resource Group

ChangeResourceGroupChangeResourceGroupChanges the resource group to which a resource belongs.

Collection Rules Of Cloud Services

UpsertCollectionPolicyUpsertCollectionPolicyCreates a log collection policy for a cloud service. This way, logs can be automatically collected from the service.
DeleteCollectionPolicyDeleteCollectionPolicyDeletes a log collection policy from a cloud service.

Dedicated SQL Instance

CreateSqlInstanceCreateSqlInstanceIf you use the Standard SQL feature to analyze a large amount of data, the logs within the specified time range cannot be fully scanned in a single query request. In this case, the returned results may not contain all matched data. You can increase the number of shards to improve data read and write capabilities. However, this method takes effect only for incremental data. You can enable the Dedicated SQL feature to increase computing resources and the amount of data that can be analyzed in a single query request.

Embed Console Pages

CreateTicketCreateTicketObtains a ticket. Simple Log Service allows you to share the query and analysis pages and dashboard pages with other users and embed the console pages into third-party systems. This way, other users can view your logs in password-free mode. The URLs of the shared pages are referred to as password-free URLs. You can call the CreateTicket operation to obtain a ticket and generate a password-free URL based on the ticket and the URL of the console page that you want to share.
RefreshTokenRefreshTokenRefreshes an access token by using a ticket to access the Simple Log Service console.