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Simple Log Service:GetContextLogs

Last Updated:Sep 06, 2024

Queries the contextual logs of a specified log.

Operation description

Usage notes

  • You can specify a log as the start log. The time range of a contextual query is one day before and one day after the generation time of the start log.
  • Host consists of a project name and a Simple Log Service endpoint. You must specify a project in Host.
  • An AccessKey pair is created and obtained. For more information, see AccessKey pair.

The AccessKey pair of an Alibaba Cloud account has permissions on all API operations. Using these credentials to perform operations in Simple Log Service is a high-risk operation. We recommend that you use a Resource Access Management (RAM) user to call API operations or perform routine O&M. To create a RAM user, log on to the RAM console. Make sure that the RAM user has the management permissions on Simple Log Service resources. For more information, see Create a RAM user and authorize the RAM user to access Simple Log Service.

  • The information that is required to query logs is obtained. The information includes the name of the project to which the logs belong, the region of the project, and the name of the Logstore to which the logs belong. For more information, see Manage a project and Manage a Logstore.
  • Indexes are configured before you query logs. For more information, see Create indexes.
  • The values of the pack_id and pack_meta fields are obtained before you query logs. The fields are internal fields, and you can obtain the values by using the debugging feature of your browser in the Simple Log Service console.

Authentication resources

The following table describes the authorization information that is required for this operation. You can add the information to the Action element of a RAM policy statement to grant a RAM user or a RAM role the permissions to call this operation.



OpenAPI Explorer automatically calculates the signature value. For your convenience, we recommend that you call this operation in OpenAPI Explorer.

Authorization information

There is currently no authorization information disclosed in the API.

Request syntax

GET /logstores/{logstore}

Request parameters


The name of the project.


The name of the Logstore.


The type of the data in the Logstore. Set the value to context_log.


The unique identifier of the log group to which the start log belongs.


The unique context identifier of the start log in the log group.


The number of logs that you want to obtain and are generated before the generation time of the start log. Valid values: (0,100].


The number of logs that you want to obtain and are generated after the generation time of the start log. Valid values: (0,100].


Response parameters


Schema of Response


The total number of logs that are returned. The logs include the start log that is specified in the request.


The number of logs that are generated before the generation time of the start log.


The number of logs that are generated after the generation time of the start log.


Indicates whether the query and analysis results are complete. Valid values:

  • Complete: The query is successful, and the complete query and analysis results are returned.
  • Incomplete: The query is successful, but the query and analysis results are incomplete. To obtain the complete results, you must repeat the request.

The logs that are returned.


The logs that are returned. The logs are arranged in contextual order. If no contextual logs are found based on the specified start log, this parameter is empty.

{ "__index_number__": "-100", "__tag__:__pack_id__": "895CEA449A52FE-8c8", "__pack_meta__": "0|MTU1OTI4NTExMjg3NTQ2NDU1OA==|4|1" }

The logs parameter contains log content and the following fields that are formatted in key-value pairs.

__index_number__String-100The position of the log in the context. A negative value indicates that the log is generated before the generation time of the start log. The value 0 indicates that the log is the start log. A positive value indicates that the log is generated after the generation time of the start log. For example, the value -100 indicates that the log is the 100th log before the generation time of the start log.
__tag__:__pack_id__String895CEA449A52FE-8c8The unique identifier of the log group to which the log belongs. The identifier can be used as the value of the pack_id parameter in the request.


Sample success responses


  "total_lines": 201,
  "back_lines": 100,
  "forward_lines": 100,
  "progress": "Complete",
  "logs": [
      "__index_number__": "-100",
      "__tag__:__pack_id__": "895CEA449A52FE-8c8",
      "__pack_meta__": "0|MTU1OTI4NTExMjg3NTQ2NDU1OA==|4|1"

Error codes

For a list of error codes, visit the Service error codes.