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CloudFlow:Execution introduction

Last Updated:Oct 30, 2023

This topic describes the basic information about executions, including the basic concepts, attributes, and event history of executions.

Basic concepts

An execution is the specific running of a flow. You can execute a flow multiple times after creating it. In general, the input varies for each execution. For example, an order management flow is executed each time a user places an order, and the input of the execution is order information.

Execution attributes

The following items are the execution attributes, in which the ExecutionName and Input attributes are the execution input, whereas the other attributes are the execution output.

  • ExecutionName: the name of an execution. The execution name must be unique within a flow and comply with the following constraints:
    • A name can contain uppercase letters (A to Z), lowercase letters (a to z), digits (0 to 9), underscores (_), and hyphens (-).
    • The name must start with a letter or an underscore (_).
    • The name is case-sensitive.
    • The name must be 1 to 128 characters in length.
  • Input: the input of an execution, which must be in JSON object format.
  • Output: the output of an execution, which must be in JSON object format.
  • FlowDefinition: the definition of a flow. For more information, see Overview. To ensure that the flow update does not affect the execution that has started, the definition of the corresponding flow is saved for each execution.
  • Status: the status of an execution. Valid values: Starting, Running, Stopped, Succeeded, Failed, and TimedOut.
  • StartedTime: the start time of an execution.
  • StoppedTime: the end time of an execution.

Event history of executions

In general, a flow contains multiple steps. During the flow, events are generated in each step. These events record the execution status of each step in detail. Based on these events, you can learn the information about a flow, such as steps, input, output, duration, and failure cause. In addition, Serverless workflow tracks the flow by using the status data to ensure the high availability of the system.

The following items are the event attributes, in which EventDetail is a string in JSON object format and event details vary with the value of Type.

  • StepName: the step name. It corresponds to the step name in the Flow Definition Language (FDL).
  • Type: the type of an event.
  • EventDetail: the details of an event.
  • Time: the time when an event occurs.
  • EventId: the ID of an event.
  • ScheduleEventId: the ID of the event that triggers the current event.