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ApsaraDB for SelectDB:List of operations by function

Last Updated:Jan 20, 2025
This product(selectdb/2023-05-22) OpenAPI adopts RPC Signature style. See signature details in Description of the signature mechanism. We have packaged SDKs for common programming languages for developers. Developers can directly call the OpenAPI of this product by downloading the SDK without paying attention to the technical details. If the existing SDK cannot meet the usage requirements, you can connect through the signature mechanism. It will take about 5 working days. Therefore, it is recommended to join our DingTalk service group (78410016550) and sign under the guidance of experts.
Before using the API, you need to prepare your identity account and access key (AccessKey) to effectively access the API through client tools (SDK, CLI, etc.). For details see getAccessKey.

instance management

CreateServiceLinkedRoleForSelectDBCreateServiceLinkedRoleForSelectDBCreates a service-linked role for ApsaraDB for SelectDB.
CheckCreateDBInstanceCheckCreateDBInstancePerforms a precheck before an ApsaraDB for SelectDB instance is created.
DescribeDBInstancesDescribeDBInstancesQueries the information about ApsaraDB for SelectDB instances.
DescribeDBInstanceAttributeDescribeDBInstanceAttributeQueries the details about an ApsaraDB for SelectDB instance.
ResetAccountPasswordResetAccountPasswordResets the password of an account for an ApsaraDB for SelectDB instance.
DescribeDBInstanceNetInfoDescribeDBInstanceNetInfoQueries the network information about an ApsaraDB for SelectDB instance.
DescribeSecurityIPListDescribeSecurityIPListQueries the IP addresses in the whitelists of an ApsaraDB for SelectDB instance.
ModifySecurityIPListModifySecurityIPListModifies the IP addresses in a whitelist of an ApsaraDB for SelectDB instance.
ModifyDBInstanceAttributeModifyDBInstanceAttributeModifies the maintenance window or description of an ApsaraDB for SelectDB instance.
UpgradeDBInstanceEngineVersionUpgradeDBInstanceEngineVersionUpdates the database engine version of an ApsaraDB for SelectDB instance.
AllocateInstancePublicConnectionAllocateInstancePublicConnectionApplies for a public endpoint for an ApsaraDB for SelectDB instance.
ReleaseInstancePublicConnectionReleaseInstancePublicConnectionReleases the public endpoint of an ApsaraDB for SelectDB instance.

Cluster Management

CreateDBClusterCreateDBClusterCreates a cluster in an ApsaraDB for SelectDB instance.
GetCreateBEClusterInquiryGetCreateBEClusterInquiryQueries the pricing for creating a cluster in an ApsaraDB for SelectDB instance.
GetModifyBEClusterInquiryGetModifyBEClusterInquiryQueries the pricing for changing the specifications of a cluster in an ApsaraDB for SelectDB instance.
ModifyBEClusterAttributeModifyBEClusterAttributeModifies the name of a cluster in an ApsaraDB for SelectDB instance.
RestartDBClusterRestartDBClusterRestarts a cluster in an ApsaraDB for SelectDB instance.
DescribeDBClusterConfigDescribeDBClusterConfigQueries the configuration information about a cluster in an ApsaraDB for SelectDB instance.
DescribeDBClusterConfigChangeLogsDescribeDBClusterConfigChangeLogsQueries the configuration change logs of a cluster in an ApsaraDB for SelectDB instance.


DescribeAllDBInstanceClassDescribeAllDBInstanceClassQueries the information about all instance specifications.
ModifyElasticRuleModifyElasticRuleModifies a scheduled scaling rule.
DescribeElasticRulesDescribeElasticRulesQueries scheduled scaling rules.
EnDisableScalingRulesEnDisableScalingRulesUses the scheduled scaling policy.
CreateElasticRuleCreateElasticRuleCreates a scheduled scaling rule.