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SchedulerX:JobContext parameters

Last Updated:Apr 10, 2024

This topic describes JobContext parameters.



long jobId

The job ID.

long jobInstanceId

The job instance ID.

Long workflowId

The workflow ID.

long wfInstanceId

The workflow instance ID.

long taskId

The ID of the task of the distributed job. The ID of the root task is 0.

DateTime scheduleTime

The scheduled time of the instance.

DateTime dataTime

The time when the job is run on the instance.

String jobType

The job type.

String taskName

The task name.

Object task

The task body.

String jobParameters

The static parameters of jobs configured in the console. The value cannot exceed 10,000 bytes.

String instanceParameters

The dynamic parameters of instances triggered by calling APIs.

int maxAttempt

The maximum number of times that the system retries to run the job instance.

int attempt

The number of times that the system has retried to run the job instance.

int taskMaxAttempt

The maximum number of times that the system retries to run the task.

int taskAttempt

The number of times that the system has retried to run the task.

List<JobInstanceData> upstreamData

The data of the upstream instances in the workflow. Multiple upstream workflow instances may exist. The value is in the format of List<JobInstanceData>.

Long shardingId

The ID of the shard. This parameter is available when the Execution mode parameter of the job is set to Broadcast run or Shard run.

String shardingParameter

The sharding parameter. This parameter is available when the Execution mode parameter of the job is set to Shard run.

int shardingNum

The number of shards. This parameter is available when the Execution mode parameter of the job is set to Broadcast run or Shard run.