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Serverless App Engine:ListIngresses

Last Updated:Oct 19, 2023

Queries a list of routing rules.


OpenAPI Explorer automatically calculates the signature value. For your convenience, we recommend that you call this operation in OpenAPI Explorer. OpenAPI Explorer dynamically generates the sample code of the operation for different SDKs.

Request headers

This operation uses only common request headers and does not have operation-specific request headers. For more information, see Common request and response headers.

Request syntax

GET /pop/v1/sam/ingress/IngressList HTTP/1.1

Request parameters







NamespaceId String Query Yes cn-beijing

The ID of the namespace.

AppId String Query No bbf3a590-6d13-46fe-8ca9-c947a20b****

The ID of the application.

Response parameters





RequestId String 91F93257-7A4A-4BD3-9A7E-2F6EAE6D****

The request ID.

Message String success

The returned message. Valid values:

  • success: If the call is successful, success is returned.
  • An error code: If the call fails, an error code is returned.
TraceId String 0a98a02315955564772843261e****

The trace ID that is used to query the details of the request.

Data Object

The returned result.

IngressList Array of Ingress

The routing rules.

SlbId String lb-uf62****6d13tq2u5

The ID of the Server Load Balancer (SLB) instance.

NamespaceId String cn-shanghai

The ID of the namespace.

Description String test

The name of the routing rule.

ListenerPort String 80

The listener port of the SLB instance.

SlbType String internet

The type of the SLB instance based on the IP address. Valid values:

  • internet: an Internet-facing SLB instance
  • intranet: an internal-facing SLB instance
CertId String 13624*****73809_16f8e549a20_1175189789_12****3210

The ID of the certificate that is associated with the Classic Load Balancer (CLB) instance.

CertIds String 87***35-cn-hangzhou,812***3-cn-hangzhou

The IDs of the certificates that are associated with the Application Load Balancer (ALB) instance.

Name String lb-uf6jt0nu4z6ior943****-80-f5****

The name of the routing rule.

Id Long 18

The ID of the routing rule.

LoadBalanceType String clb

The type of the SLB instance based on the processing capabilities. Valid values:

  • clb: a CLB (formerly SLB) instance
  • alb: an ALB instance
ListenerProtocol String HTTP

The protocol that is used to forward requests. Valid values:

  • HTTP: HTTP is suitable for applications that need to identify the transmitted data.
  • HTTPS: HTTPS is suitable for applications that require encrypted data transmission.

This parameter is optional in the CreateIngress and UpadateIngress operations. If you do not configure this parameter when you call the CreateIngress or UpadateIngress operation to create or update a gateway routing rule, this parameter is not returned for the corresponding response.

MseGatewayId String gw-d5df01a1bae748f1a7c4e325d2fd****

The ID of the MSE cloud-native gateway.

MseGatewayPort String 80

The port of the service.

MseGatewayProtocol String HTTP

The protocol that is supported by the MSE cloud-native gateway to forward requests. Valid values:

  • HTTP: HTTP is suitable for applications that need to identify the transmitted data.
  • HTTPS: HTTPS is suitable for applications that require encrypted data transmission.
ErrorCode String Null

The error code. Valid values:

  • If the call is successful, the ErrorCode parameter is not returned.
  • If the call fails, the ErrorCode parameter is returned. For more information, see the Error codes section in this topic.
Code String 200

The HTTP status code. Valid values:

  • 2xx: The call was successful.
  • 3xx: The call was redirected.
  • 4xx: The call failed.
  • 5xx: A server error occurred.
Success Boolean true

Indicates whether the routing rules were queried. Valid values:

  • true: The routing rules were queried.
  • false: The routing rules failed to be queried.


Sample requests

GET /pop/v1/sam/ingress/IngressList?NamespaceId=cn-beijing&AppId=bbf3a590-6d13-46fe-8ca9-c947a20b**** HTTP/1.1

Sample success responses

XML format

HTTP/1.1 200 OK


JSON format

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

  "RequestId" : "91F93257-7A4A-4BD3-9A7E-2F6EAE6D****",
  "Message" : "success",
  "TraceId" : "0a98a02315955564772843261e****",
  "Data" : {
    "IngressList" : [ {
      "SlbId" : "lb-uf62****6d13tq2u5",
      "NamespaceId" : "cn-shanghai",
      "Description" : "test",
      "ListenerPort" : "80",
      "SlbType" : "internet",
      "CertId" : "13624*****73809_16f8e549a20_1175189789_12****3210",
      "CertIds" : "87***35-cn-hangzhou,812***3-cn-hangzhou",
      "Name" : "lb-uf6jt0nu4z6ior943****-80-f5****",
      "Id" : 18,
      "LoadBalanceType" : "clb",
      "ListenerProtocol" : "HTTP",
      "MseGatewayId" : "gw-d5df01a1bae748f1a7c4e325d2fd****",
      "MseGatewayPort" : "80",
      "MseGatewayProtocol" : "HTTP"
    } ]
  "Code" : "200",
  "Success" : true

Error codes


Error code

Error message


400 InvalidParameter.NotEmpty You must specify the parameter %s. The value of the %s parameter is invalid. This parameter cannot be left empty.
400 InvalidParameter.Obviously The specified parameter is invalid {%s}. The value of the {%s} parameter is invalid.
400 InvalidParameter.WithMessage The parameter is invalid {%s}: %s The value %s of the {%s} parameter is invalid.

For a list of error codes, see Service error codes.