The following tables list the API operations available for use in Resource Orchestration Service (ROS).

Stack operations

You can define a template for resources in a stack and their dependencies and use the template to create stacks. After the stacks are created, you can query, update, or delete the stacks.

API Description
PreviewStack Previews the stack to be created by using a specified template.
CreateStack Creates a stack.
ContinueCreateStack Creates another stack based on the template of the previous stack that failed.
SetDeletionProtection Configures deletion protection on a stack.
UpdateStack Updates a stack.
CancelUpdateStack Cancels the update of a stack.
GetStack Queries the information of a stack.
ListStacks Queries the list of stacks.
ListStackEvents Queries stacks and their resource events.
ListStackOperationRisks Detects resources that may face high risks caused by a stack deletion operation, and queries the reason for each risk.
DeleteStack Deletes a stack and all of its resources.

Resource operations

ROS allows you to manage a variety of resources. You can query resource templates by resource type or query details of resource types or resources in a specified stack to obtain the information of resources in ROS.

For more information about the resource types supported by ROS, see List of resource types by service.

API Description
GetResourceTypeTemplate Queries the template of a resource by resource type.
ListStackResources Queries the resource list of a specified stack.
GetStackResource Queries information about a resource in a specified stack.
GetResourceType Queries the details of resource types.
ListResourceTypes Queries the list of supported resource types.
MoveResourceGroup Moves a resource to a specific resource group.

Scenario operations

ROS provides the scenario feature to facilitate resource management. You can add resources to a scenario in the console and perform operations such as replication and centralized management on the resources.

API Description
CreateTemplateScratch Creates a scenario.
UpdateTemplateScratch Updates a scenario.
ListTemplateScratches Queries the list of scenarios.
GetTemplateScratch Queries the information of a scenario.
DeleteTemplateScratch Deletes a scenario.
GenerateTemplateByScratch Generates a scenario template.

Template operations

A template is a JSON or YAML text file that defines resources in a stack and their dependencies and can be used to create stacks. For example, you can call the CreateTemplate operation to create a template that contains the ALIYUN::ECS::VPC resource, and then call the CreateStack operation to create a stack. This way, you can create a virtual private cloud (VPC).

In addition, you can query the template ID, template content, or resource prices defined in the template. You can also share your template with other users. This way, one template can be used by multiple Alibaba Cloud accounts to allow stacks to be efficiently created.

API Description
GenerateTemplatePolicy Generates policy information for a template.
CreateTemplate Creates a template.
ValidateTemplate Validates a template that you want to use to create stacks.
UpdateTemplate Updates a template.
GetTemplate Queries the detailed information of a template, including the stacks and change sets that are associated with the template.
GetTemplateEstimateCost Queries the estimated prices of resources to be created based on a template.
GetTemplateSummary Queries the information of a new or existing template.
GetTemplateParameterConstraints Queries the values of template parameters.
ListTemplates Queries the list of templates.
ListTemplateVersions Queries one or more versions of a template.
SetTemplatePermission Shares or unshares a template.
DeleteTemplate Deletes a template.

Stack policy operations

A stack policy is a JSON or YAML text file that is used to define the update operations for a specified stack to prevent resources in the stack from being accidentally updated or deleted during the update of the stack. You can configure or query stack policies.

API Description
SetStackPolicy Configures a stack policy.
GetStackPolicy Queries the information of a stack policy.

Change set operations

You can create and execute change sets to update running stacks.

API Description
CreateChangeSet Creates a change set.
ExecuteChangeSet Executes a change set.
GetChangeSet Queries the information of a change set.
ListChangeSets Queries the list of change sets.
DeleteChangeSet Deletes a change set.

Stack group operations

You can use a stack group as a unit to manage stacks in ROS. You can use templates to create stack groups. This way, you can create stacks within multiple Alibaba Cloud accounts across regions. You can also query the information of stack groups and stack group operations.

After you call the CreateStackGroup operation to create a stack group, you can call the CreateStackInstances operation to create a stack instance within a specified account in a specified region.

Note Before you call the DeleteStackGroup operation to delete a stack group, you need to call the DeleteStackInstances operation to delete all stack instances from the stack group.
API Description
CreateStackGroup Creates a stack group.
UpdateStackGroup Updates a stack group.
GetStackGroup Queries the information of a stack group.
ListStackGroups Queries the list of stack groups.
GetStackGroupOperation Queries the information of a stack group operation.
ListStackGroupOperations Queries the list of stack group operations.
ListStackGroupOperationResults Queries the results of an operation on a stack group.
StopStackGroupOperation Stops a stack group operation.
CreateStackInstances Creates stack instances within a specified account in a specified region.
UpdateStackInstances Updates stack instances within a specified account in a specified region.
GetStackInstance Queries the detailed information about a stack instance associated with a stack group.
ListStackInstances Queries the stack instances that are associated with a stack group.
DeleteStackInstances Deletes stack instances within a specified account in a specified region.
DeleteStackGroup Deletes a stack group.

Drift detection operations

When you change resource configurations by using a service that is beyond the control of ROS, the related stack or stack group may experience drift. You can perform drift detection to correct drift. For example, you can call the DetectStackDrift operation to perform drift detection on a stack. If the stack has drifted, you can call the UpdateStackTemplateByResources operation to modify the stack template to eliminate stack drift.

API Description
DetectStackResourceDrift Detects drift on individual resources in a stack.
DetectStackDrift Detects drift on a stack.
DetectStackGroupDrift Detects drift on a stack group.
GetStackDriftDetectionStatus Queries the drift detection status of a stack.
ListStackResourceDrifts Queries the drift information of resources in a specified stack.
UpdateStackTemplateByResources Corrects a template to eliminate stack drift.

Tag operations

You can add tags to stacks, stack groups, or templates for classification and management purposes.

API Description
TagResources Creates and adds tags to a specified ROS resource list.
ListTagResources Queries tags that are added to one or more ROS resources.
ListTagKeys Queries the list of tag keys.
ListTagValues Queries one or more values of a specified tag key.
UntagResources Removes and deletes tags from a specified ROS resource list.

Other operations

When you create a stack, stack group, or stack instance, you must specify the RegionId parameter. In this case, you can call the DescribeRegions operation to query the most recent region list.

When you create or update a stack, you can call the SignalResource operation to send signals. Failure signals can cause stack creation or update to fail.

In addition, you can call the GetServiceProvisions operation to query the activation status and the RAM role information of multiple cloud services at the same time, and call the GetFeatureDetails operation to query the details of specific features supported by ROS.

API Description
DescribeRegions Queries available regions.
SignalResource Sends signals.
GetServiceProvisions Queries the activation status and the RAM roles of an Alibaba Cloud service.
GetFeatureDetails Queries the details of a feature that is supported by ROS.