DATASOURCE::FC::Triggers is used to query triggers.


  "Type": "DATASOURCE::FC::Triggers",
  "Properties": {
    "FunctionName": String,
    "ServiceName": String,
    "Prefix": String


Property Type Required Editable Description Constraint
FunctionName String Yes Yes The name of the function. None.
ServiceName String Yes Yes The name of the service. None.
Prefix String No Yes The prefix of the resource name. The resource name must be prefixed with the value of this property.

For example, if you set the Prefix property to a, the returned resource name is prefixed with a.

Return values (Fn::GetAtt)

  • TriggerNames: the names of the triggers.
  • Triggers: the details of the triggers.
Property Type Description Constraint
TriggerNames List The names of the triggers. None.
Triggers List The details of the triggers. None.
TriggerName String The name of the trigger. None.
TriggerId String The ID of the trigger. None.
TriggerConfig String The configurations of the trigger. None.
TriggerType String The type of the trigger. Valid values:
  • oss: Object Storage Service (OSS) event trigger.

    For more information, see Overview of OSS event triggers of OSS event triggers.

  • log: Log Service trigger.

    For more information, see Overview of Log Service triggers.

  • timer: time trigger.

    For more information, see Overview of time triggers.

  • http: HTTP trigger.

    For more information, see Overview of HTTP triggers.

  • tablestore: Tablestore trigger.

    For more information, see Overview of Tablestore triggers.

  • cdn_events: Alibaba Cloud CDN event trigger.

    For more information, see Overview of Alibaba Cloud CDN event triggers.

  • mns_topic: Message Service (MNS) topic trigger.

    For more information, see Overview of MNS topic triggers.

Description String The description of the trigger. None.
InvocationRole String The RAM role that is used by the event source such as OSS to invoke the function. For more information, see Trigger overview.
CreatedTime String The time when the trigger was created. None.
LastModifiedTime String The time when the trigger was last modified. None.
Qualifier String The version of the service. For more information, see Manage versions.
SourceArn String The Alibaba Cloud Resource Name (ARN) of the event source for the trigger. None.
DomainName String The domain name. None.


  • JSON format

      "ROSTemplateFormatVersion": "2015-09-01",
      "Parameters": {
        "FunctionName": {
          "Type": "String",
          "Description": "Function name."
        "ServiceName": {
          "Type": "String",
          "Description": "Service name."
      "Resources": {
        "Triggers": {
          "Type": "DATASOURCE::FC::Triggers",
          "Properties": {
            "FunctionName": {
              "Ref": "FunctionName"
            "ServiceName": {
              "Ref": "ServiceName"
      "Outputs": {
        "TriggerNames": {
          "Description": "The list of trigger names.",
          "Value": {
            "Fn::GetAtt": [
        "Triggers": {
          "Description": "The list of triggers.",
          "Value": {
            "Fn::GetAtt": [
  • YAML format

    ROSTemplateFormatVersion: '2015-09-01'
        Type: String
        Description: Function name.
        Type: String
        Description: Service name.
        Type: DATASOURCE::FC::Triggers
            Ref: FunctionName
            Ref: ServiceName
        Description: The list of trigger names.
            - Triggers
            - TriggerNames
        Description: The list of triggers.
            - Triggers
            - Triggers