DATASOURCE::CEN::CenRouteMaps is used to query the details of routing policies.


  "Type": "DATASOURCE::CEN::CenRouteMaps",
  "Properties": {
    "TransitRouterRouteTableId": String,
    "TransmitDirection": String,
    "CenId": String,
    "CenRegionId": String,
    "RouteMapId": String


Property Type Required Editable Description Constraint
TransitRouterRouteTableId String No Yes The route table ID of the transit router with which the routing policy is associated. None.
TransmitDirection String No Yes The direction in which the route map is applied. Valid values:
  • RegionIn: The routing policy applies to routes that are advertised to the regional gateways of Cloud Enterprise Network (CEN).
  • RegionOut: The routing policy applies to routes that are advertised from the regional gateways of CEN.
CenId String Yes Yes The ID of the CEN instance. None.
CenRegionId String No Yes The ID of the region in which the routing policy is applied. You can call the DescribeChildInstanceRegions operation to query the most recent region list.
RouteMapId String No Yes The ID of the routing policy. None.

Return values (Fn::GetAtt)

  • RouteMapIds: the IDs of the routing policies.
  • RouteMaps: details of the routing policies.
Property Type Description Constraint
RouteMapIds List The IDs of the routing policies. None.
RouteMaps List Details of the routing policies. None.
Status String The status of the routing policy. Valid values:
  • Creating
  • Active
  • Deleting
RouteMapId String The ID of the routing policy. None.
TransmitDirection String The direction in which the route map is applied. None.
SourceInstanceIdsReverseMatch Boolean Indicates whether the source instance IDs are excluded. Valid values:
  • true
  • false
CenRegionId String The ID of the region in which the routing policy is applied. None.
CenId String The ID of the CEN instance. None.
Priority Number The priority of the routing policy. A smaller value indicates a higher priority.
TransitRouterRouteTableId String The route table ID of the transit router with which the routing policy is associated. None.
CommunityOperateMode String The action that is performed on the community. Valid values:
  • Additive: The community is added to the route.
  • Replace: The community is used to replace the original community of the route.
MapResult String The action performed on a route that meets the match conditions. Valid values:
  • Permit: The route is permitted.
  • Deny: The route is denied.
CommunityMatchMode String The match method that is used to match routes based on the community. Valid values:
  • Include: fuzzy match. If the community of the route overlaps with the community specified in the match conditions, the route is matched.
  • Complete: exact match. If the community of the route is the same as the community specified in the match conditions, the route is matched.
Description String The description of the routing policy. None.
AsPathMatchMode String The match method that is used to match routes based on the AS path. None.
Preference Integer The priority of the route that is modified. A smaller value indicates a higher priority.
DestinationInstanceIdsReverseMatch Boolean Indicates whether the destination instance IDs are excluded. Valid values:
  • true: If the IDs of the destination instances to which routes are advertised are not in the list specified by the DestinationInstanceIds property, the routes are matched.
  • false: If the IDs of the destination instances to which routes are advertised are in the list specified by the DestinationInstanceIds property, the routes are matched.
CidrMatchMode String The match method that is used to match routes based on the prefix. Valid values:
  • Include: fuzzy match
  • Complete: exact match
NextPriority Integer The priority of the next routing policy that is associated with the current routing policy. None.
SourceRegionIds List The IDs of the source regions based on which routes are matched. None.
SourceChildInstanceTypes List The types of the source instances based on which routes are matched. None.
DestinationRouteTableIds List The IDs of the destination route tables based on which routes are matched. None.
SourceInstanceIds List The IDs of the source instances based on which routes are matched. None.
DestinationCidrBlocks List The route prefixes based on which routes are matched. None.
SourceRouteTableIds List The IDs of the source route tables based on which routes are matched. None.
MatchCommunitySet List The community set based on which routes are matched. None.
PrependAsPath List The AS paths that are prepended when regional gateways receive or advertise routes. None.
RouteTypes List The route types based on which routes are matched. None.
DestinationChildInstanceTypes List The types of the destination instances based on which routes are matched. None.
DestinationInstanceIds List The IDs of the destination instances based on which routes are matched. None.
MatchAsns List The AS paths based on which routes are matched. None.
OperateCommunitySet List The community set on which actions are performed. None.


  • JSON format

      "ROSTemplateFormatVersion": "2015-09-01",
      "Parameters": {
        "CenId": {
          "Type": "String",
          "Description": "The ID of the CEN instance."
      "Resources": {
        "ExtensionDataSource": {
          "Type": "DATASOURCE::CEN::CenRouteMaps",
          "Properties": {
            "CenId": {
              "Ref": "CenId"
      "Outputs": {
        "RouteMapIds": {
          "Description": "The list of The RouteMap ids.",
          "Value": {
            "Fn::GetAtt": [
        "RouteMaps": {
          "Description": "The information about RouteMaps.",
          "Value": {
            "Fn::GetAtt": [
  • YAML format

    ROSTemplateFormatVersion: '2015-09-01'
        Type: String
        Description: The ID of the CEN instance.
        Type: DATASOURCE::CEN::CenRouteMaps
            Ref: CenId
        Description: The list of The RouteMap ids.
            - ExtensionDataSource
            - RouteMapIds
        Description: The information about RouteMaps.
            - ExtensionDataSource
            - RouteMaps