The following tables list the API operations available for use in Resource Directory in the 2020-03-31 version.

Note Alibaba Cloud provides OpenAPI Explorer to simplify API usage. You can use OpenAPI Explorer to debug API operations and dynamically generate SDK sample code.
EnableResourceDirectoryEnables a resource directory.
SendVerificationCodeForEnableRDSends a verification code to the mobile phone number bound to a newly created account when you use the account to enable a resource directory.
GetResourceDirectoryQueries the information of a resource directory.
DestroyResourceDirectoryDisables a resource directory.
CreateFolderCreates a folder.
ListFoldersForParentQueries the information of all subfolders of a folder.
ListAncestorsQueries the information of all parent folders of a folder.
UpdateFolderChanges the name of a folder.
GetFolderQueries the information of a folder.
DeleteFolderDeletes a folder.
InviteAccountToResourceDirectoryInvites an account to join a resource directory.
GetHandshakeQueries the information of an invitation.
AcceptHandshakeAccepts an invitation.
CancelHandshakeCancels an invitation.
DeclineHandshakeRejects an invitation.
ListHandshakesForAccountQueries the invitations that are associated with an account.
ListHandshakesForResourceDirectoryQueries invitations in a resource directory.
CreateResourceAccountCreates a member of the resource account type.
CreateCloudAccountCreates a member of the cloud account type.
Note This API operation is no longer maintained and updated.
PromoteResourceAccountSwitches the type of a member from resource account to cloud account.
Note This API operation is no longer maintained and updated. You can call the UpdateAccount operation to switch the type of a member. For more information, see UpdateAccount.
ResendCreateCloudAccountEmailResends an email that is used to confirm the creation of a member of the cloud account type.
Note This API operation is no longer maintained and updated.
ResendPromoteResourceAccountEmailResends an email that is used to confirm the switching for the type of a member from resource account to cloud account.
Note This API operation is no longer maintained and updated.
CancelCreateCloudAccountCancels the creation of a member of the cloud account type.
Note This API operation is no longer maintained and updated.
CancelPromoteResourceAccountCancels the switching for the type of a member from resource account to cloud account.
Note This API operation is no longer maintained and updated.
RemoveCloudAccountRemoves a member of the cloud account type.
GetAccountQueries the information of a member.
MoveAccountMoves a member from a folder to another.
ListAccountsForParentQueries the information of members in a folder.
ListAccountsQueries the information of all members in a resource directory.
GetPayerForAccountQueries the information of a billing account.
UpdateAccountChanges the display name of a member, or switches the type of a member.
ListTrustedServiceStatusQueries the Alibaba Cloud services that are integrated with Resource Directory.
EnableControlPolicyEnables the Control Policy feature.
DisableControlPolicyDisables the Control Policy feature.
GetControlPolicyEnablementStatusQueries the status of the Control Policy feature.
CreateControlPolicyCreates a custom access control policy.
GetControlPolicyQueries the details of an access control policy.
UpdateControlPolicyUpdates a custom access control policy.
DeleteControlPolicyDeletes a custom access control policy.
AttachControlPolicyAttaches a custom access control policy.
DetachControlPolicyDetaches a custom access control policy.
ListControlPoliciesQueries access control policies.
ListControlPolicyAttachmentsForTargetQueries the access control policies that are attached to a folder or member.
ListTargetAttachmentsForControlPolicyQueries the objects to which an access control policy is attached.
RegisterDelegatedAdministratorSpecifies a member in a resource directory as a delegated administrator account of a trusted service.
DeregisterDelegatedAdministratorRemoves a delegated administrator account.
ListDelegatedAdministratorsQueries delegated administrator accounts.
ListDelegatedServicesForAccountQueries the trusted services for which a member is specified as a delegated administrator account.
InitResourceDirectoryEnables a resource directory.
Note This API operation is no longer maintained and updated. You can call the EnableResourceDirectory operation to enable a resource directory. For more information, see EnableResourceDirectory.
SendVerificationCodeForBindSecureMobilePhoneSends a verification code to the mobile phone number that you want to bind to a member of the resource account type in a resource directory for security purposes.
BindSecureMobilePhoneBinds a mobile phone number to a member of the resource account type in a resource directory for security purposes.
SetMemberDeletionPermissionEnables or disables the member deletion feature.
CheckAccountDeletePerforms a member deletion check.
GetAccountDeletionCheckResultQueries the result of a member deletion check.
DeleteAccountDeletes a member of the resource account type.
GetAccountDeletionStatusQueries the deletion status of a member.
TagResourcesAdds tags to resource groups or the members in a resource directory.
UntagResourcesRemoves tags from resource groups or the members in a resource directory.
ListTagResourcesQueries the tags that are added to resource groups or the members in a resource directory.