Queries the resources that are associated with a specified resource.


Resource Meta Center (RMC) is enabled. For more information, see Query resources that belong to different resource groups.

Usage notes

This section provides the types of resources that can be queried. Two-way queries are supported. For example, you can query the disks (ACS::ECS::Disk) that are associated with a specific Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instance (ACS::ECS::Instance) or query the ECS instance that is associated with a specific disk.

  • For ECS instances, the following types of resources can be queried:
    • ACS::ECS::Disk
    • ACS::EIP::EipAddress
    • ACS::VPC::VPC
    • ACS::ECS::KeyPair
    • ACS::ECS::SecurityGroup
    • ACS::ECS::NetworkInterface
    • ACS::ECS::Image
  • For virtual private clouds (VPCs), which are indicated by ACS::VPC::VPC, the following types of resources can be queried:
    • ACS::ECS::Instance
    • ACS::RDS::DBInstance
    • ACS::SLB::LoadBalancer
    • ACS::ALB::LoadBalancer
    • ACS::Elasticsearch::Instance
    • ACS::Redis::DBInstance
    • ACS::PolarDB::DBCluster
    • ACS::MongoDB::DBInstance
    • ACS::DRDS::PolarDBXInstance
    • ACS::EDAS::Cluster
    • ACS::ECI::ContainerGroup
    • ACS::ADB::DBCluster
    • ACS::DRDS::DBInstance
    • ACS::HBase::Cluster
    • ACS::EMR::Cluster

This topic provides an example on how to call the API operation to query the resources that are associated with the ECS instance i-uf6imlgyr1nudhud**** in the China (Shanghai) region.

QPS limits

You can call this API operation up to 20 times per second per account. Requests that exceed this limit will fail, and you may experience service interruptions. We recommend that you take note of this limit when you call this operation.


OpenAPI Explorer automatically calculates the signature value. For your convenience, we recommend that you call this operation in OpenAPI Explorer. OpenAPI Explorer dynamically generates the sample code of the operation for different SDKs.

Request parameters

Parameter Type Required Example Description
Action String Yes ListResourceRelationships

The operation that you want to perform. Set the value to ListResourceRelationships.

NextToken String No eyJzZWFyY2hBZnRlcnMiOlsiMTAwMTU2Nzk4MTU1OSJd****

The token that is used to initiate the next request.

If the total number of entries returned for the current request exceeds the value of the MaxResults parameter, the entries are truncated. In this case, you can use the token to initiate another request and obtain the remaining entries.

MaxResults Integer No 20

The maximum number of entries to return on each page.

Valid values: 1 to 100.

Default value: 20.

SourceRegionId String Yes cn-shanghai

The region ID of the resource whose associated resources you want to query.

SourceResourceType String Yes ACS::ECS::Instance

The type of the resource whose associated resources you want to query.

SourceResourceId.N String Yes i-uf6imlgyr1nudhud****

The ID of the resource whose associated resources you want to query.

You can specify a maximum of 10 resource IDs.

TargetResourceType.N String No ACS::VPC::VPC

The type of the associated resources that you want to query.

You can specify a maximum of 10 resource types.

For more information about common request parameters, see Common parameters.

Response parameters

Parameter Type Example Description
NextToken String eyJzZWFyY2hBZnRlcnMiOlsiMTAwMTU2Nzk4MTU1OSJd****

The token that is used to initiate the next request.

RequestId String 97765772-7E65-5D5E-BBB7-0CAF4D6260AA

The ID of the request.

MaxResults Integer 20

The maximum number of entries returned per page.

ResourceRelationships Array of ResourceRelationship

The information of the associated resources.

AccountId String 154035569884****

The ID of the Alibaba Cloud account.

SourceRegionId String cn-shanghai

The region ID of the specified resource.

SourceResourceType String ACS::ECS::Instance

The type of the specified resource.

SourceResourceId String i-uf6imlgyr1nudhud****

The ID of the specified resource.

TargetRegionId String cn-shanghai

The region ID of the associated resource.

TargetResourceType String ACS::VPC::VPC

The type of the associated resource.

TargetResourceId String vpc-uf6gvyids4utxhxe1****

The ID of the associated resource.


Sample requests

&<Common request parameters>

Sample success responses

XML format

HTTP/1.1 200 OK


JSON format

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

  "ResourceRelationships" : [ {
    "TargetResourceType" : "ACS::ECS::NetworkInterface",
    "SourceRegionId" : "cn-shanghai",
    "AccountId" : "154035569884****",
    "TargetResourceId" : "eni-uf68v6tepfijeia5****",
    "SourceResourceId" : "i-uf6imlgyr1nudhud****",
    "TargetRegionId" : "cn-shanghai",
    "SourceResourceType" : "ACS::ECS::Instance"
  }, {
    "TargetResourceType" : "ACS::VPC::VPC",
    "SourceRegionId" : "cn-shanghai",
    "AccountId" : "154035569884****",
    "TargetResourceId" : "vpc-uf6gvyids4utxhxe1****",
    "SourceResourceId" : "i-uf6imlgyr1nudhud****",
    "TargetRegionId" : "cn-shanghai",
    "SourceResourceType" : "ACS::ECS::Instance"
  }, {
    "TargetResourceType" : "ACS::ECS::SecurityGroup",
    "SourceRegionId" : "cn-shanghai",
    "AccountId" : "154035569884****",
    "TargetResourceId" : "sg-uf62urehb0clpmvu****",
    "SourceResourceId" : "i-uf6imlgyr1nudhud****",
    "TargetRegionId" : "cn-shanghai",
    "SourceResourceType" : "ACS::ECS::Instance"
  }, {
    "TargetResourceType" : "ACS::ECS::Disk",
    "SourceRegionId" : "cn-shanghai",
    "AccountId" : "154035569884****",
    "TargetResourceId" : "d-uf624ee9ow9seg0l****",
    "SourceResourceId" : "i-uf6imlgyr1nudhud****",
    "TargetRegionId" : "cn-shanghai",
    "SourceResourceType" : "ACS::ECS::Instance"
  } ],
  "RequestId" : "97765772-7E65-5D5E-BBB7-0CAF4D6260AA",
  "MaxResults" : 20

Error codes

For a list of error codes, visit the API Error Center.