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:Monitor a SQL Server database

Last Updated:Dec 13, 2024

Managed Service for Prometheus allows you to monitor a SQL Server database, and use the out-of-the-box dashboards to visualize the monitoring data. This topic describes how to monitor a SQL Server database.


Container cluster

ECS instance


  1. Log on to the Managed Service for Prometheus console. In the left-side navigation pane, click Integration Center.

  2. Click SQLServer and set the parameters as prompted. The following table describes the key parameters.



    SQLServer Host

    The endpoint of the database

    SQLServer Port

    The port number of the database. The value ranges from 1 to 65535.

    SQLServer username

    The username of the database.

    SQLServer password

    The password of the database.

View and manage the monitoring data of the SQL Server database

The installed component is displayed on the Integration Management page in the Managed Service for Prometheus console. The Integration Management page consists of the Integrated Environments, Integrated Addons, and Query Dashboards tabs, where you can view information such as targets, metrics, dashboards, and alerts.


In the Targets section of the Self-Monitoring tab, you can view the list of targets discovered by the default jobs.

Metric Scraping

On the Metric Scraping tab, you can view or discard metrics. For more information, see Discard metrics.10.jpg


In the Dashboards section of the Component Management tab, you can click a dashboard name to go to Grafana and view more dashboard data.11.jpg

Alert Rule

In the Alert Rule section of the Component Management tab, you can view the alert rules of the SQL Server database. For information about how to create alert rules, see Create an alert rule for a Prometheus instance.12.jpg

Configure Agent

On the Configure Agent tab, you can view the version number of your Prometheus agent.13.jpg