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:Monitor the health status of a service in an ACK cluster

Last Updated:Dec 16, 2024

Managed Service for Prometheus allows you to monitor the health status of a service deployed in a Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK) cluster. It regularly inspects the service connectivity and provides insight into the health status. This way, you can discover and handle exceptions in a timely manner.



  1. Log on to the Managed Service for Prometheus console. In the left-side navigation pane, click Integration Center.

  2. Click Service Check Monitor and set the parameters as prompted. The following table describes the key parameters.



    Task Name

    The unique name of the inspection task.

    Target Address

    The endpoint of the service.

    Probe Method

    The inspection method. Valid values:

    • HTTP_2XX

    • PING

    • TCP

    Detection Interval (seconds)

    The time interval between two inspections. Unit: seconds.

View and manage the monitoring data of the service

View dashboards

On the Integrated Addons tab of the Integration Management page, click Service Check Monitor. On the Dashboards tab of the panel that appears, click a dashboard name to view details.68.jpg

Modify an alert rule

On the Integrated Addons tab of the Integration Management page, click Service Check Monitor. On the Alerts tab of the panel that appears, find an alert rule and click Edit in the Actions column to modify it. 67.jpg