FileZilla is a simple and easy-to-use FTP client tool. This topic describes how to use FileZilla to upload a file from a local site to Object Storage Service (OSS).


  • A bucket whose access control list (ACL) is public read is created. For more information, see Create buckets.
  • ossftp is installed. For more information, see Installation.
  • The FileZilla client is downloaded. To download the FileZilla client, visit FileZilla.


  1. Open the FileZilla client.
  2. Configure the parameters described in the following table in the FileZilla console.
    Parameter Example Description
    Host Specify the IP address of the server. If ossftp is deployed on the same device as the FileZilla client, use the default address
    Username Y6IoUOZReouXvWaXuwjvDch9******/examplebucket Specify the username that is used to connect to ossftp. The username consists of a bucket name and an AccessKey ID that can be used to access the bucket. The username must be in the following format: AccessKey ID/Bucket name. For information about how to obtain an AccessKey ID, see Obtain an AccessKey pair.
    Note You can create a custom username to log on to ossftp. For more information, see Create custom logon users.
    Password sRaQg0i3SH9EqYXJSL1hlaR****** Specify the password that is used to connect to ossftp. The password is the AccessKey secret that can be used to access the bucket. For information about how to obtain an AccessKey secret, see Obtain an AccessKey pair.
    Note You can create a custom password to log on to ossftp. For more information, see Create custom logon users.
    Port 2048 Specify the listening port that is configured for ossftp. The default value is 2048.
  3. Click Quickconnect.
  4. To verify whether the configuration takes effect, drag a file from the local site to the remote site.