Queries objects that meet specified conditions and lists the information about objects based on specified fields and sorting methods. You can also use nested queries to implement complex queries and perform aggregate operations to collect and analyze the values of different fields.

Usage notes

To query objects that meet specified conditions, you must have the oss:DoMetaQuery permission. For more information, see Attach a custom policy to a RAM user.

Request syntax

POST /?metaQuery&comp=query HTTP/1.1
Host: BucketName.oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com
Date: GMT Date
Authorization: SignatureValue 
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <Query>{"Field": "Size","Value": "1048576","Operation": "gt"}</Query>

Request headers

This request contains only common request headers. For more information, see Common request headers.

Request elements

MetaQueryContainerYesN/AThe container for query conditions.

Child nodes: NextToken, MaxResults, Query, Sort, Order, and Aggregations

NextTokenStringNoMTIzNDU2Nzg6aW1tdGVzdDpleGFtcGxlYnVja2V0OmRhdGFzZXQwMDE6b3NzOi8vZXhhbXBsZWJ1Y2tldC9zYW1wbGVvYmplY3QxLmpw****The token that is used for the next query when the total number of objects exceeds the value of MaxResults.

The object information is returned in alphabetical order starting from the value of NextToken.

When this operation is called for the first time, set this field to null.

Parent nodes: MetaQuery

MaxResultsIntegerNo5The maximum number of objects to return. Valid values: 0 to 100.

If this parameter is not set or is set to 0, 100 objects are returned.

Parent nodes: MetaQuery

QueryStringYes{"Field": "Size","Value": "1048576","Operation": "gt"}The query condition. Options:
  • Operation: the operators. Valid values: eq (equal to), gt (greater than), gte (greater than or equal to), lt (less than), lte (less than or equal to), match (fuzzy query), prefix (prefix query), and (AND), or (OR), and not (NOT).
  • Field: the fields. For more information about supported fields and supported operators, see Appendix: Supported fields and operators.
  • Value: the value of the field.
  • SubQueries: the subquery conditions. Options that are included in this element are the same as those of simple query. You must set subquery conditions only when Operation is set to AND, OR, or NOT.

For more information, see Query examples.

Parent nodes: MetaQuery

SortStringNoSizeThe field based on which the results are sorted. For more information about the fields that can be sorted, see Appendix: Supported fields and operators.

Parent nodes: MetaQuery

OrderStringNoascThe order in which you want to sort the queried data. Default value: desc. Valid values:
  • asc: The data is sorted in ascending order
  • desc: The data is sorted in descending order.

Parent nodes: MetaQuery

AggregationsContainerNoN/AThe container for the information about aggregate operations.

Child nodes: Aggregation

Parent nodes: MetaQuery

AggregationContainerNoN/AThe container for the information about a single aggregate operation.

Child nodes: Field and Operation

Parent nodes: Aggregations

FieldStringNoSizeThe name of the field. For more information about supported fields and supported operators, see Appendix: Supported fields and operators.

Parent nodes: Aggregation

OperationStringNosumThe operator for aggregate operations. Valid values:
  • min
  • max
  • average
  • sum
  • count
  • distinct
  • group

Parent nodes: Aggregation

Response headers

This request contains only common response headers. For more information, see Common response headers.

Response elements

MetaQueryContainerN/AThe container for the query result.

Child nodes: NextToken, Files, and Aggregations

NextTokenStringMTIzNDU2Nzg6aW1tdGVzdDpleGFtcGxlYnVja2V0OmRhdGFzZXQwMDE6b3NzOi8vZXhhbXBsZWJ1Y2tldC9zYW1wbGVvYmplY3QxLmpw****The token that is used for the next query when the total number of objects exceeds the value of MaxResults.

The value of NextToken is used to return the unreturned results in the next query.

This parameter has a value only when not all objects are returned.

Parent nodes: MetaQuery

FilesContainerN/AThe container for the information about objects.

Child nodes: File

Parent nodes: MetaQuery

FileContainerN/AThe container for the information about a single object.

Child nodes: Filename, Size, FileModifiedTime, OSSOobjectType, OSSStorageClass, ObjectACL, ETag, OSSTaggingCount, OSSTagging, OSSUserMeta, OSSCRC64, and ServerSideEncryption

Parent nodes: Files

FilenameStringexampleobject.txtThe full path of the object.

Parent nodes: File

SizeInteger120The size of the object. Unit: bytes.

Parent nodes: File

FileModifiedTimeString2021-06-29T15:04:05.000000000Z07:00The time when the object was last modified. The value follows the RFC 3339 format.

Parent nodes: File

OSSObjectTypeStringNormalThe type of the object. Valid values:
  • Normal: The object was uploaded by calling the PutObject operation or created by calling the CreateDirectory operation.
  • Appendable: The object was uploaded by calling the AppendObject operation.
  • Multipart: The object was uploaded by calling the MultipartUpload operation.
  • Symlink: The symbolic link was created by calling the PutSymlink operation.

Parent nodes: File

OSSStorageClassStringStandardThe storage class of the object. Valid values:
  • Standard: The Standard storage class provides highly reliable, highly available, and high-performance object storage services that can handle frequent data access.
  • IA: The Infrequent Access (IA) storage class is suitable for long-term storage of data that is infrequently accessed. Data that is accessed once or twice per month on average falls into this class.
  • Archive: The Archive storage class is suitable for long-term storage of data that is infrequently accessed. Data that you want to store for at least six months falls into this class. The data requires up to 1 minute to restore before you can read the data.
  • ColdArchive: The Cold Archive storage class is suitable for long-term storage of data that is rarely accessed.

Parent nodes: File

ObjectACLStringdefaultThe access control list (ACL) of the object. Valid values:
  • default: The ACL of the object is the same as that of the bucket in which the object is stored.
  • private: The ACL of the object is private. Only the owner of the object and authorized users have read and write permissions on the object.
  • public-read: The ACL of the object is public read. Only the owner of the object and authorized users have read and write permissions on the object. Other users can only read the object. Exercise caution when you set the object ACL to this value.
  • public-read-write: The ACL of the object is public read/write. All users have read and write permissions on the object. Exercise caution when you set the object ACL to this value.

Parent nodes: File

ETagString"fba9dede5f27731c9771645a3986****"The ETag that was generated when the object was created. ETags are used to identify the content of objects.
  • If an object is created by calling the PutObject operation, the ETag value of the object is the MD5 hash of the object content.
  • If an object is created by using another method, the ETag value is not the MD5 hash of the object content but a unique value that is calculated based on a specific rule.
Note The ETag value of an object can be used to check whether the object content is modified. We recommend that you use the MD5 hash of an object rather than the ETag value to check data integrity.

Parent nodes: File

OSSTaggingCountInteger2The number of tags of the object.

Parent nodes: File

OSSTaggingContainerN/AThe container for the information about the tags.

Child nodes: Tagging

Parent nodes: File

TaggingContainerN/AThe container for the information about a single tag.

Child nodes: Key and Value.

Parent nodes: OSSTagging

KeyStringownerThe key of the tag or user metadata.

User metadata must be prefixed with x-oss-meta-.

Parent nodes: Tagging and UserMeta

ValueStringJohnThe value of the tag or user metadata.

Parent nodes: Tagging and UserMeta

OSSUserMetaContainerN/AThe container for user metadata.

Child nodes: UserMeta

Parent nodes: File

UserMetaContainerN/AThe container for the metadata of a single user.

Child nodes: Key and Value.

Parent nodes: OSSUserMeta

OSSCRC64String4858A48BD1466884The CRC-64 value of the object. This value is calculated based on the ECMA-182 standard.
ServerSideEncryptionStringAES256The server-side encryption algorithm used when Object Storage Service (OSS) created the object. Valid value: AES256.

Parent nodes: File

ServerSideEncryptionCustomerAlgorithmStringSM4The algorithm that is used to encrypt the object on a local client.

Parent nodes: File

AggregationsContainerN/AThe container for the information about aggregate operations.

Child nodes: Field, Operation, Value, and Groups

Parent nodes: MetaQuery

FieldStringSizeThe name of the field.

Parent nodes: Aggregations

OperationStringsumThe operator for the aggregate operation.

Parent nodes: Aggregations

ValueFloat200The result of the aggregate operation.

Parent nodes: Aggregations

GroupsContainerN/AThe result list of aggregation operations performed by group.

Child nodes: Value and Count

Parent nodes: Aggregations

ValueString100The result of the aggregation operations performed by group.

Parent nodes: Groups

CountInteger5The number of aggregation operations performed by group.

Parent nodes: Groups


Sample requests
POST /?metaQuery&comp=query HTTP/1.1
Host: oss-example.oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com
Date: Mon, 26 Jul 2021 13:08:38 GMT
Authorization: OSS qn6qrrqxo2oawuk53otf****:ceOEyZavKY4QcjoUWYSpYbJ3****
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <Query>{"Field": "Size","Value": "1048576","Operation": "gt"}</Query>
Sample responses
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
x-oss-request-id: 5C1B138A109F4E405B2D****
Date: Mon, 26 Jul 2021 13:08:38 GMT
Content-Length: 118
Content-Type: application/xml
Connection: keep-alive
Server: AliyunOSS
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Query examples

Queries can be nested. You can use nested queries to implement complex queries and exact match. The following examples show how to perform nested queries.
  • If you want to query an object whose name is exampleobject.txt and whose size is less than 1,000 bytes, you can configure the query as shown in the following example:
          "Value": "exampleobject.txt",
  • If you want to query objects that are prefixed with exampledir/, contain the type=document or owner=John tag, and are larger than 10 MB in size, you can configure the query as shown in the following example:
      "SubQueries": [
          "Field": "Filename",
          "Value": "exampledir/",
          "Operation": "prefix"
          "Field": "Size",
          "Value": "1048576",
          "Operation": "gt"
          "SubQueries": [
              "Field": "OSSTagging.type",
              "Value": "document",
              "Operation": "eq"
              "Field": "OSSTagging.owner",
              "Value": "John",
              "Operation": "eq"
          "Operation": "or"
      "Operation": "and"

You can also perform aggregate operations to collect and analyze different data based on the preceding search conditions. For example, you can calculate the sum, count, average value, or maximum value of all objects that meet the query conditions. You can also calculate the size distribution of images that meet the query conditions.

Error codes

Error codeHTTP status codeDescription
MetaQueryNotExist400The error message returned because the metadata index library does not exist in the bucket. Make sure that you have enabled the metadata management feature for the bucket and try again after the metadata index library is created.
EntityTooLarge400The error message returned because the maximum string size allowed for the query condition specified by the Query parameter has been exceeded. Modify the query condition and try again.
InvalidArgument400The error message returned because the specified argument value is invalid. Specify a valid argument.
InvalidParameter400The error message returned because the specified parameter value is invalid. Specify a valid parameter value.
MissingParameter400The error message returned because a required parameter in the request is not specified. Specify all the required parameters.
Throttling.Api403The error message returned because your request is denied due to throttling. Reduce the queries per second (QPS) of the request and try again. If the error persists after you try the operation multiple times, submit a ticket.
Throttling.User403The error message returned because your request is denied due to throttling. Reduce the queries per second (QPS) of the request and try again.If the error persists after you try the operation multiple times, submit a ticket.
AccessDenied403The error message returned because you do not have permissions to access the bucket. Make sure that the RAM user is granted permissions to access the bucket.
NoSuchBucket404The error message returned because the destination bucket does not exist. Specify a valid bucket name.
InternalServerError500The error message returned because an internal error has occurred.If the error persists after you try the operation multiple times, submit a ticket.