Activates MNS.

Usage notes

You can call the OpenService operation to activate MNS. Then, you can use MNS. You can use the endpoint of an available region to activate MNS in this region.
Note Available regions include UK (London), US (Virginia), China (Hangzhou), China (Beijing), China (Shenzhen), China (Shanghai), Singapore, UAE (Dubai), China East 2 Finance, China South 1 Finance, and China North 2 Ali Gov.

For more information, see Regions and endpoints.


If you call the OpenService operation as a RAM user, you must grant required permissions to the RAM user. For more information, see Permission policies and examples.

Request parameters


Response parameters

Parameter Type Example Description
OrderId String 2068689****0272 The ID of the order.


Sample requests


Sample success responses

XML format

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<OpenService xmlns="">

Error code

For information about error codes, see Error codes.

Activate MNS in the console

You can call the OpenService operation to activate MNS. You can also activate MNS in the MNS console. For more information, see Activate MNS and authorize RAM users to access MNS.