A package creator revokes access permissions on a package from a project.


disallow project <project_name> to install package <package_name>;


Parameter Required Description
project_name Yes The name of the MaxCompute project from which you want to revoke access permissions on a package.

Log on to the MaxCompute console. In the top navigation bar, select a region. On the Project management tab, obtain the name of the MaxCompute project.

package_name Yes The name of the package whose access permissions you want to revoke.

You can execute the show packages; statement on the MaxCompute client to obtain the information about the package that you created.


Revoke permissions to install the datashare package of the test_project_a project from the test_project_b project. Sample statement:
-- Revoke permissions to install the datashare package from the test_project_b project. 
disallow project test_project_b to install package datashare;

Related statements

  • CREATE PACKAGE: Creates a package.
  • ADD TO PACKAGE: Adds the resources that are required by package users to the package that is created.
  • REMOVE FROM PACKAGE: Removes resources from the package that is created.
  • ALLOW PROJECT: A package creator in a project authorizes other projects to use the package that is created.
  • DESCRIBE PACKAGE: Views the details of a package that is created in a MaxCompute project.
  • DROP PACKAGE: Deletes a package.
  • INSTALL PACKAGE: Installs a package in a MaxCompute project.
  • UNINSTALL PACKAGE: Uninstalls a package that is installed from a MaxCompute project.
  • GRANT: Authorizes a user or role to access a package.
  • REVOKE: Revokes access permissions on a package from a user or role.
  • SHOW: Views the packages that are created or installed in a MaxCompute project.