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Simple Log Service:Display query results on a bubble chart

Last Updated:Apr 09, 2024

This topic describes how to configure a bubble chart to display query results and provides examples.

Background information

A bubble chart visualizes data as bubbles in different sizes and at different positions. You can analyze the correlation between data based on a bubble chart.

A bubble chart consists of the following elements:

  • X-axis

  • Y-axis

  • Bubbles


  1. Log on to the Simple Log Service console.

  2. In the Projects section, click the project that you want to manage.


  3. On the Log Storage > Logstores tab, click the Logstore that you want to manage.

  4. Enter a query statement in the search box and click Last 15 Minutes to specify a query time range.

    For more information, see Step 1: Enter a query statement.

  5. On the Graph tab, click the image icon on the General Configurations tab.

  6. On the Attribute Configurations tab, configure the attributes of the bubble chart.




    The categorical variable. In most cases, time is selected.


    The value of the categorical variable. You can select one or more fields for the Y-axis.

    Value Column

    The field that is displayed by using bubbles. The bubble sizes indicate field values.


    The shape of the bubbles. Default value: Circle.

    Bubble Size

    The size ranges allowed for bubbles. Valid values: 0 to 32.

    Bubble Color

    The color of the bubbles.


To analyze data exceptions based on bubble sizes, execute the following query statement:

* | select date_format(from_unixtime(__time__ - __time__% 60), '%H:%i') as minute, case 
when request_method = 'GET' and COUNT(1) > 9000 then 3 when request_method = 'GET' and COUNT(1) > 8500 then 2 when request_method = 'GET' and COUNT(1) > 8000 then 1 
when request_method = 'POST' and COUNT(1) > 3000 then 3
when request_method = 'DELETE' and COUNT(1) > 1500 then 3
else 0 end as level,  request_method group by minute, request_method order by minute asc limit 1000
