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Simple Log Service:Scan-based query overview

Last Updated:Mar 04, 2024

Simple Log Service provides the scan-based query feature that scans logs based on specified fields to return query results. This feature allows you to query logs without the need to configure indexes for the logs. This topic describes the scan-based query feature.

Background information

Simple Log Service provides the index-based query feature. However, in some scenarios, indexes cannot be created or used. Examples:

  • Indexes are not created for some fields to reduce costs. In this scenario, an urgent need to query historical logs may not be filled.

  • The length of a field value exceeds the upper limit supported by indexes. In this scenario, the excess part cannot be queried.

  • A large number of field names are involved and cannot be obtained in advance. In this scenario, field indexes cannot be created.

  • The type of a field is changed. In this scenario, the field cannot be queried.

To address the preceding issues, Simple Log Service provides the scan-based query and scan-based analysis features. You can use the features to query and analyze logs without the need to create indexes for the fields that are used for scanning. For more information about the scan-based analysis feature, see Scan-based analysis overview.


The scan-based query feature is upgraded to support the Simple Log Service Processing Language (SPL). For more information, see SPL overview. You can use SPL statements to extract structured information from the raw data that is obtained, process fields in the raw data, and filter the raw data. You can use multi-level pipeline cascading to export data that is processed by using the SPL syntax. For more information about the regions in which SPL is supported, see Supported regions.

Basic syntax

  • Syntax

    Search statement | WHERE bool_expression
  • Example

    status:200 | WHERE userId = '123'

How it works

When Simple Log Service receives a scan-based query request, Simple Log Service performs the following steps:

  1. Executes the search statement to query logs.


    The search statement requires indexes. For example, before the status:200 | WHERE userId = '123' statement is executed, you must create an index for the status field. You do not need to create an index for the userId field.

  2. Executes the WHERE clause to identify logs that meet the scan condition among the query results of the search statement and then returns the final results.

Comparison between index-based query and scan-based query


Index-based query

Scan-based query


Search statement. For more information, see Search syntax.

Search statement | where bool_expression.

Whether indexes need to be configured




The search statement before the vertical bar (|) requires indexes.

Support for an analytic statement



Support for random page turning


Not supported.

Only continuous page turning is supported. You can move forward or backward only one page.

Log histogram

The log histogram is displayed based on the results of the search statement.

The log histogram is displayed based on the results of the search statement and the scan progress.

Operators and functions

Logical calculation and mathematical calculation are supported. Fuzzy search is supported. SQL functions are not supported.

Keywords such as LIKE, IN, BETWEEN, IS NULL, IS NOT NULL, and EXISTS are supported. Some SQL functions are supported. For more information, see Supported functions.

Field types

Field types are determined by the data types that are specified in index configurations. For more information, see Data types.

The system considers the types of fields in the WHERE clause as text regardless of whether indexes are configured for the fields.


If you want to use a function whose input fields are not of the text type, you must use the cast function to convert the types of the fields. An example of the function is abs. For more information, see cast function.

Result size

The number of logs to return can be specified in the Simple Log Service console or by calling an SDK. The maximum number is 100.

If one of the following conditions is met, the system stops the current scan and returns results:

  • The identified logs reach the specified number of logs to return.

    You can specify the number of logs to return in the Simple Log Service console or by calling an SDK.

  • The number of scanned logs exceeds the upper limit that is automatically specified for the current scan. The default value is 100,000, which is determined based on the results of a search statement.

  • The scan duration exceeds 45 seconds.


You are charged for index traffic and index storage. For more information, see Billable items of pay-by-feature.

You are charged for scans based on the scan traffic, which is equivalent to the amount of data returned after scanning. The system identifies logs based on the results of index-based query.


  • Low costs: You do not need to create indexes. You are not charged for index traffic or index storage.

  • Flexible implementation: You can specify field types based on your business requirements regardless of whether indexes are created or index types are specified.

  • Optimized search capability: More functions are supported.


Random page turning is not supported.

Supported functions

Mathematical calculation functions




abs function


Calculates the absolute value of x.

cbrt function


Calculates the cube root of x.

ceil function


Rounds x up to the nearest integer.

The ceil function is an alias of the ceiling function.

ceiling function


Rounds x up to the nearest integer.

e function


Returns the value of e, which is the base of the natural logarithm.

exp function


Raises e to the power of x.

floor function


Rounds x down to the nearest integer.

from_base function

from_base(x, y)

Converts x to a base-y number.

ln function


Calculates the natural logarithm of x.

log2 function


Calculates the base-2 logarithm of x.

log10 function


Calculates the base-10 logarithm of x.

mod function

mod(x, y)

Calculates the remainder of x divided by y.

pi function


Returns the value of π to 15 decimal places.

pow function

pow(x, y)

Raises x to the power of y.

The pow function is an alias of the power function.

power function

power(x, y)

Raises x to the power of y.

radians function


Converts an angle in degrees to its equivalent in radians.

rand function


Returns a random number.

random function


Returns a random number in the range [0,1).


Returns a random number in the range [0,x).

round function


Rounds x to the nearest integer.

round(x, n)

Rounds x to the nearest decimal with n decimal places.

sqrt function


Calculates the square root of x.

to_base function

to_base(x, y)

Converts x to a base-y string.

truncate function


Removes the fractional part of x.

width_bucket function

width_bucket(x, bound1, bound2, numBuckets)

Divides a numeric range into buckets of equal width and returns the bucket number of x.

width_bucket(x, bins)

Returns the bucket number of x in the range of buckets that are specified by an array.

String functions




chr function


Converts an ASCII code to characters.

codepoint function


Converts characters to an ASCII code.

concat function

concat(x, y...)

Concatenates multiple strings into one string.

length function


Returns the length of a string.

lower function


Converts the characters in a string to lowercase letters.

lpad function

lpad(x, length, lpad_string)

Left pads a string to a specified length by using a specified character and returns the result string.

ltrim function


Removes spaces from the start of a string.

replace function

replace(x, sub_string )

Removes the matched characters from a string.

replace(x, sub_string, replace_string)

Replaces the matched characters in a string with specified characters.

reverse function


Returns a string in reverse order.

rpad function

rpad(x, length, rpad_string)

Right pads a string to a specified length by using a specified character and returns the result string.

rtrim function


Removes spaces from the end of a string.

split function

split(x, delimeter)

Splits a string by using a specified delimiter and returns a set of substrings.

split(x, delimeter, limit)

Splits a string by using a specified delimiter and returns a set of substrings. The number of substrings that can be generated is specified by limit.

split_part function

split_part(x, delimeter, part)

Splits a string by using a specified delimiter and returns the substring at a specified position.

strpos function

strpos(x, sub_string)

Returns the position of a specified substring in a string.

strpos(x, sub_string, instance)

Returns the position of the nth occurrence of a specified substring in a string. n is specified by instance, which must be a positive integer. The positions of substrings start from 1. If the specified substring is not found, the function returns 0.

substr function

substr(x, start)

Returns the substring at a specified position in a string.

substr(x, start, length)

Returns the substring at a specified position in a string. The length of the substring is specified.

to_utf8 function


Converts a string to a UTF-8 encoded string.

trim function


Removes spaces from the start and end of a string.

upper function


Converts the characters in a string to uppercase letters.

Date and time functions





Date and time functions

date_format function

date_format(x, format)

Converts a datetime expression that can return a timestamp value to a datetime expression in a specified format.

from_unixtime function


Converts a UNIX timestamp to a datetime expression that can return a timestamp value and does not contain a time zone.

from_unixtime(x, time zone)

Converts a UNIX timestamp to a datetime expression that can return a timestamp value and contains a time zone.

from_unixtime(x, hours, minutes)

Converts a UNIX timestamp to a datetime expression that can return a timestamp value and contains a time zone. In the datetime expression, the values for hours and minutes indicate the offset of the time zone.

to_unixtime function


Converts a datetime expression that can return a timestamp value to a UNIX timestamp.

parse_datetime function

parse_datetime(x, format)

Converts a string to a datetime expression that can return a timestamp value and contains a time zone based on the setting of format.

Date and time extraction functions

day function


Returns the day of the month from a datetime expression.

The day function is equivalent to the day_of_month function.

day_of_month function


Returns the day of the month from a datetime expression.

The day_of_month function is equivalent to the day function.

day_of_week function


Returns the day of the week from a datetime expression.

The day_of_week function is equivalent to the dow function.

day_of_year function


Returns the day of the year from a datetime expression.

The day_of_year function is equivalent to the doy function.

dow function


Returns the day of the week from a datetime expression.

The dow function is equivalent to the day_of_week function.

doy function


Returns the day of the year from a datetime expression.

The doy function is equivalent to the day_of_year function.

extract function

extract(field from x)

Returns the specified field from a datetime expression. The field can be a date or time.

hour function


Returns the hour of the day from a datetime expression. The 24-hour clock is used.

minute function


Returns the minute of the hour from a datetime expression.

millisecond function


Returns the millisecond of the second from a datetime expression.

month function


Returns the month of the year from a datetime expression.

quarter function


Returns the quarter of the year on which a specified date falls.

second function


Returns the second of the minute from a datetime expression.

year function


Returns the year of a specified date.

year_of_week function


Returns the year on which a specified date falls in the ISO week date system.

The year_of_week function is equivalent to the yow function.

yow function


Returns the year on which a specified date falls in the ISO week date system.

The yow function is equivalent to the year_of_week function.

Time interval functions

date_trunc function

date_trunc(unit, x)

Truncates a datetime expression based on the time unit that you specify. The expression can be truncated based on the millisecond, second, minute, hour, day, month, or year.

date_add function

date_add(unit, N, x)

Adds N to the value of the x field based on the unit that you specify.

date_diff function

date_diff(unit, x, y)

Returns the difference between two time expressions. For example, you can calculate the difference between x and y based on a specified time unit.

Regular expression functions




regexp_extract_all function

regexp_extract_all(x, regular expression)

Extracts the substrings that match a specified regular expression from a specified string and returns an array of all matched substrings.

regexp_extract_all(x, regular expression, n)

Extracts the substrings that match a specified regular expression from a specified string and returns an array of substrings that match the nth capturing group in the regular expression.

regexp_extract function

regexp_extract(x, regular expression)

Extracts the first substring that matches a specified regular expression from a specified string and returns the substring.

regexp_extract(x, regular expression, n)

Extracts the substrings that match a specified regular expression from a specified string and returns the first substring that matches the nth capturing group in the regular expression.

regexp_like function

regexp_like(x, regular expression)

Checks whether a specified string matches a specified regular expression.

regexp_replace function

regexp_replace(x, regular expression)

Deletes the substrings that match a specified regular expression from a specified string and returns the substrings that remain.

regexp_replace(x, regular expression, replace string)

Replaces the substrings that match a specified regular expression in a specified string and returns the result string.

JSON functions




json_extract_scalar function

json_extract_scalar(x, json_path)

Returns a set of scalar values from a JSON object or a JSON array. The scalar values can be of the string, integer, or Boolean type.