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Simple Log Service:Mask sensitive data

Last Updated:Mar 28, 2023

If you use Logtail to collect logs, you can use the processor_desensitize plug-in to replace sensitive data in logs with specified strings or MD5 hash values. This topic describes the parameters of the processor_desensitize plug-in. This topic also provides examples on how to configure the plug-in.


You can use form configuration to add Logtail plug-ins only if you select Kubernetes - Standard Output in the Import Data section.

Entry point

If you want to use a Logtail plug-in to process logs, you can add a Logtail plug-in configuration when you create or modify a Logtail configuration. For more information, see Entry point.

Configuration description


Logtail V1.3.0 and later support the processor_desensitize plug-in.

Form configuration

Set Processor Type to Data Masking. Then, configure other parameters based on the following table.

  • Parameters



    Original Field

    The name of the log field.

    Data Masking Method

    The method that is used to mask sensitive content. Valid values:

    • String Replacement: replaces sensitive content with a string. You can configure the Replacement String parameter to specify the string.

    • md5: replaces sensitive content with the MD5 hash value that is generated for sensitive content.

    Sensitive Data Content

    The method that is used to identify sensitive content. Valid values:

    • Full Text: identifies all content in the value of the specified log field as sensitive. In this case, all content in the value of the specified log field is replaced.

    • Use Regular Expression: identifies sensitive content by using a regular expression.

    Replacement String

    The string that is used to replace sensitive content.

    If you set the Data Masking Method parameter to String Replacement, you must configure this parameter.

    Regex to Match Sensitive Content Prefix

    The regular expression that is used to match the prefix of sensitive content.

    If you set the Sensitive Data Content parameter to Use Regular Expression, you must configure this parameter.

    Regex to Match Sensitive Content

    The regular expression that is used to match sensitive content.

    If you set the Sensitive Data Content parameter to Use Regular Expression, you must configure this parameter.

  • Configuration example

    Replace all content in the value of a specified field with a string.

    • Raw log

      "password" : "123abcdefg"
    • Logtail plug-in configuration for data processingimage

    • Results


Editor configuration in JSON

Set type to processor_desensitize. Then, configure other parameters in detail based on the following table.

  • Parameters








    The name of the log field.




    The method that is used to mask sensitive content. Valid values:

    • const: replaces sensitive content with a string. You can configure the ReplaceString parameter to specify the string.

    • md5: replaces sensitive content with the MD5 hash value that is generated for sensitive content.




    The method that is used to identify sensitive content. Valid values:

    • full: identifies all content in the value of the specified log field as sensitive. In this case, all content in the value of the specified log field is replaced. This is the default value.

    • regex: identifies sensitive content by using a regular expression.




    The string that is used to replace sensitive content.

    If you set the Method parameter to const, you must configure this parameter.




    The regular expression that is used to match the prefix of sensitive content.

    If you set the Match parameter to regex, you must configure this parameter.




    The regular expression that is used to match sensitive content.

    If you set the Match parameter to regex, you must configure this parameter.

  • Configuration examples

    • Example 1

      Set the Method parameter to const and the Match parameter to full to replace all content in the value of a specified field with a string.

      • Raw log

        "password" : "123abcdefg"
      • Logtail plug-in configuration for data processing

          "type" : "processor_desensitize",
          "detail" : {
            "SourceKey" : "password",
            "Method" : "const",
            "Match" : "full",
            "ReplaceString": "********"
      • Results

    • Example 2

      Set the Method parameter to md5 and the Match parameter to regex to identify sensitive content in the value of a specified field by using a regular expression and replace the sensitive content with the MD5 hash value that is generated for the sensitive content.

      • Raw log

        "content" : "[{'account':'1234567890','password':'abc123'}]"
      • Logtail plug-in configuration for data processing

           "type" : "processor_desensitize",
           "detail" : {
              "SourceKey" : "content",
              "Method" : "md5",
              "Match" : "regex",
              "RegexBegin": "'password':'",
              "RegexContent": "[^']*"
      • Results
