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Simple Log Service:get_log

Last Updated:Oct 26, 2023

Queries logs. This command is suitable for scenarios in which you need to query a specified number of logs.

Request syntax

aliyunlog log get_log --project=<value> --logstore=<value> --from_time=<value> --to_time=<value> [--topic=<value>] [--query=<value>] [--reverse=<value>] [--offset=<value>] [--size=<value>] [--power_sql=<value>] [--access-id=<value>] [--access-key=<value>] [--sts-token=<value>] [--region-endpoint=<value>] [--client-name=<value>] [--jmes-filter=<value>] [--format-output=<value>] [--decode-output=<value>] [--profile=<value>]

Request parameters

The following table describes the required and unique parameters of this command.
--projectStringYesaliyun-test-projectThe name of the project.
--logstoreStringYeslogstore-aThe name of the Logstore.
--from_timeStringYes2021-05-28 15:33:00+8:00The beginning of the time range to query. Specify the value as a UNIX timestamp or in the "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S<time_zone>" format. Example: “2018-01-02 12:12:10+8:00“.
--to_timeStringYes2021-05-28 15:40:00+8:00The end of the time range to query. Specify the value as a UNIX timestamp or in the "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S<time_zone>" format. Example: “2018-01-02 12:12:10+8:00“.
--topicStringNo""The topic of the logs to query. The default value is double quotation marks (""). For more information, see Topic.
--queryStringNolevel:Information|select event_id as Key1,COUNT(*) as Key2 group by Key1The search statement or query statement. For more information, see Log search overview and Log analysis overview.

If you add set session parallel_sql=true; to the analytic statement in the value of the query parameter, the Dedicated SQL feature is used. For example, you can set the value to * | set session parallel_sql=true; select count(*) as pv.

Note If you specify an analytic statement in the value of the query parameter, you must set the line and offset parameters to 0 and use the LIMIT clause to perform a paged query. An analytic statement is an SQL statement. For more information, see Paginate analysis results.

Specifies whether to return logs in descending order of log timestamp. The log timestamps are accurate to minutes.

  • true: Logs are returned in descending order of log timestamp.
  • false: Logs are returned in ascending order of log timestamp. This is the default value.
  • The reverse parameter only takes effect when the query parameter is set to a search statement. The reverse parameter specifies the order in which returned logs are sorted.
  • If the query parameter is set to a query statement, the reverse parameter is invalid. The order in which returned logs are sorted is specified by the ORDER BY clause in the analytic statement. If you use the default keyword asc in the ORDER BY clause, the logs are sorted in ascending order. If you use the desc keyword in the ORDER BY clause, the logs are sorted in descending order.
--offsetIntegerNo0The row from which the query starts. This parameter only takes effect when the query parameter is set to a search statement. Default value: 0.
--sizeIntegerNo10The maximum number of logs to return. This parameter only takes effect when the query parameter is set to a search statement. Minimum value: 0. Maximum value: 100. Default value: 100.

Specifies whether to use the Dedicated SQL feature. For more information, see Enable Dedicated SQL.

  • true: The Dedicated SQL feature is used.
  • false: The Standard SQL feature is used. This is the default value.

You can use the powerSql or query parameter to specify whether to use the Dedicated SQL feature.

For more information about the global parameters of this command, see Global parameters.


  • Sample requests
    Use the default account to query five event logs whose level is Information. Command example:
    aliyunlog log get_log --project="aliyun-test-project" --logstore="logstore-a" --from_time="2021-05-28 15:33:00+8:00" --to_time="2021-05-28 15:40:00+8:00" --query="level:Information|select event_id as Key1,COUNT(*) as Key2 group by Key1 limit 5" --reverse=true
  • Sample responses
        "Key1": "16394",
        "Key2": "1",
        "__source__": "",
        "__time__": "1622186400"
        "Key1": "44",
        "Key2": "1",
        "__source__": "",
        "__time__": "1622186400"
        "Key1": "7036",
        "Key2": "7",
        "__source__": "",
        "__time__": "1622186400"
        "Key1": "16384",
        "Key2": "1",
        "__source__": "",
        "__time__": "1622186400"
        "Key1": "43",
        "Key2": "1",
        "__source__": "",
        "__time__": "1622186400"

Related commands

get_logsQueries logs in exact match mode by using a JSON configuration file.
get_log_allQueries a large number of logs.