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Simple Log Service:apply_config_to_machine_group

Last Updated:Oct 26, 2023

Applies a Logtail configuration to a machine group.

Request syntax

aliyunlog log apply_config_to_machine_group --project_name=<value> --config_name=<value> --group_name=<value> [--access-id=<value>] [--access-key=<value>] [--sts-token=<value>] [--region-endpoint=<value>] [--client-name=<value>] [--jmes-filter=<value>] [--format-output=<value>] [--decode-output=<value>]

Request parameters

The following table describes the required and specific parameters of the apply_config_to_machine_group command.
--project_nameStringYesaliyun-test-projectThe name of the project.
--config_nameStringYesconfig_name2The name of the Logtail configuration.
--group_nameStringYesgroup_name2The name of the machine group.
For information about the global parameters of the Log Service command-line interface (CLI), see Global parameters.


  1. Query the existing Logtail configurations. Run the following command:
    aliyunlog log list_logtail_config --project_name="aliyun-test-project"
    The following output is returned:
      "configs": [
      "count": 4,
      "total": 4
  2. Query the existing machine groups. Run the following command:
    aliyunlog log list_machine_group --project_name="aliyun-test-project"
    The following output is returned:
      "count": 3,
      "machinegroups": [
      "total": 3
  3. Use the default account to apply a Logtail configuration to a machine group. Run the following command:
    aliyunlog log apply_config_to_machine_group --project_name="aliyun-test-project" --config_name="config_name2" --group_name="group_name2"
  4. Query a machine group named group_name2 to which a Logtail configuration is applied. Run the following command:
    aliyunlog log get_machine_group_applied_configs --project_name="aliyun-test-project" --group_name="group_name2"
    The following output is returned:
      "configs": [
      "count": 1

Error codes

If an error message is returned, fix the error based on the error codes of the related API operation. For more information, see Error codes of ApplyConfigToMachineGroup.

API reference
